Category 339
Discussion List
Unable to end date Tax ExemptionSummary: Unable to end date Tax Exemption Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When trying to end date Tax Exemption, it is not getting saved. …
Does fusion have any MEXICO DIOT report readily available ?Summary: Looking for standard Mexico DIOT report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable…
Download Tax Configuration to a Spreadsheet going to Retrying status and not downloading tax rulesSummary: Download Tax Configuration to a Spreadsheet going to Retrying status and not downloading tax rules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Disable Control Amount in Invoice Header Tax tabWe have an ongoing issue with imported invoices from an integration where, ever since 24A, we are getting a lot of invoices with the "Tax amount range" hold. Having rais…
Additional information supporting references for Tax JournalSummary: Additional information to be captured as supporting reference for tax journal (FBDI) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have inte…
" Override Tax Amount" on the AP Invoice is not workingSummary: below setups are verified and are enabled but still, the Override Tax amount option is not calculating tax. The 'Allow Override of Calculated Tax Line' option i…
Do I need to end date and create a new Transaction Tax Applicability Rule if I have a new tax rate?Summary: In Canada, the province of Nova Scotia is changing their HST tax rate from 15% to 14% on April 1, 2025 and I need to implement this in Oracle ERP. Content (plea…
Issue in regards to xml file generation after running a job with financial tax register reportSummary: When extracting the data we are receiving 3 files from the screenshot attached: 14132194.log ESS_O_14132194_BIP.text ESS_O_14132194_BIP.xml The xml file is caus…
Tax is ignoring my first ruleI have the first rule as rule order 3, but Oracle is going straight to the next rule and calculating the tax Invoice with condition set Tax calculated which is the secon…
Why Both option is not appearing "tax calculation point" dropdown in Withholding Tax OptionsSummary: Why "Both" option is not appearing "tax calculation point" dropdown in Withholding Tax Options and Manage Tax Page. Only it display "Invoice" and "Payment" but …
Allocation of Payables Summary Tax LinesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Per OHC-docs, where is the Summary Tax Lines component derived from? Are there attributes or flex…
Restrict the Invoice validation based on non availability of tax linesOne of our customer has a requirement to restrict the invoice validation if there is no tax line available part of the invoice lines. They wanted this control regardless…Murthy Iragavarapu-Oracle 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Murthy Iragavarapu-Oracle Tax & Global
Implement put Service Distributor (‘ISD’)Summary: An ISD is an office that incurs third party common expenses on behalf of other locations or states. For example, if an office in one state (say Bangalore office…
Does Customer Relations come with Oracle Fusion Core ERP license or is a part of CDM licenseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Access Issue - Create Taxable Transactions in Spreadsheet is missing Business Unit in LOVSummary: Access Issue - Create Taxable Transactions in Spreadsheet is missing Business Unit in LOV in General Ledger. When Creating a taxable journal in GL, for Purchase…
How to fill in the XML for Spanish VAT SII reporting when non-deductible taxes?Summary: We are trying to declare both using the same process as usual, but the system processes everything as recoverable. We have looked at the table JE_ZZ_VAT_REP_TRX…
DAS2 Report on Prior YearSummary: Hi. Could someone confirm if the reports listed below can generate data for previous years? Business run these reports at year-end (e.g., for Tax Year 2024, the…
What is the maximum number of condition sets that can be used by the tax rules?Is there a limit on tax condition sets / tax rules that the Fusion tax engine can handle? For example, is there a limit before performance becomes too slow?
1099 MISC10 and MISC14Hello, we are preparing 1099 for 2024 and internal Tax department suggested Attorney fees should go to MISC10 instead of MISC14. Why oracle suggest to use MISC14 to atto…
Tax Allocation Process is not populating all AP invoices for period into je_zz_vat_rep_trx_tSummary: Tax Allocation Process which populates table je_zz_vat_rep_trx_t is not populating AP invoices with an invoice date prior to 2023. how can I find out why this i…
How are Intercompany invoices reported for Online VAT in Spain?Our client has requirement to report VAT on intercompany invoices for Online VAT reporting (SII) in Spain. What are the specific requirements for reporting intercompany …
Tax is not calculating when we create Purchase order from Purchase requisitionSummary: Tax is not calculating at purchase order level when we create Purchase order from Purchase requisition when Supplier and supplier site information is blank in p…
Cross Country Tax Calculation in Accounts ReceivablesSummary: We have already defined Tax Regime to Rate Flow for Spain with 21% Tax Rate and it is applicable for customers in Spain . BU is also Spain BU. we have scenario …
Read-Only Access for Transactional Pages with Full Access to Setup and MaintenanceHello Experts, My client requires read-only access for all transactional pages across all modules, while full access to Setup and Maintenance is needed to manage configu…Akhil Chawan 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MariusS-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
FBDI Journal Import How to populate the regional information context for MexicoSummary: FBDI Journal Import How to populate the regional information context for Mexico Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello In Mexico w…
View Transaction Tax Report HistoryHi Team, Could you please provide below details. What are all the Tax Reports included in the ‘View Transaction Tax Report History’ page? The FULL LIST of what are inclu…
Withholding Tax Certificate generation for ThailandSummary: Withholding Tax Certificate generation for Thailand - Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Withholding Tax Certificate generation for …
Thailand - Additional Pop up field to capture VAT detailsSummary: In Thailand, when multiple expense are spent, kind of petty expenses for which VAT is charged, one AP Invoice is created for the entire lumpsum amount but in ad…
E-ledger and E-invoicing for Turkey in Oracle fusionSummary: Hello Team, Please let us know if there are any localization patches or any E-package solution in Oracle fusion for Turkey region to integrate with the local E-…
Generate SAF-T Data Extract period not availableI am trying to schedule the job 'Generate SAF-T Data Extract' for the period of Jan-25, but is not visible in search, none of 2025 periods are visible. I have been runni…