Category 42
Discussion List
Key Generation job is stuck with canceling statusHi Team, Key generation job has been stuck with Canceling status. Could you please help me how can i move this job to cancelled status so that i can trigger a new genera…
CDM Merge Request got rejected due to open orders against the master account ?Hello, I'm using CDM to deduplicate some accounts, I'm currently merging 2 accounts 1 customer and 1 prospect, I'm selecting the Customer account as master, but my merge…
Video: Deploying the Extension to the PRODUCTION EnvironmentDeploying the Extension to the PRODUCTION Environment: Package and deploy the extension to the production enviroment (or any environment other than -TEST) From the Imple…
Can we update multiselect field through groovy when we are merging accountsSummary: When merging accounts, we need to update the multi-select custom field for the survivor account using Groovy scripting to store the values from both the merging…
CPI price index not considering the updated adjustment basis in subscription managementWe have a requirement where there is multi year (3) contract and will be x% increase every year starting from 2nd year. Our Pricing system is "Third Party" Tried to crea…
How to fetch contact email and phone number before the contact is deleted using REST API in GroovyHi Team, We have a requirement to store contact email/phone number whenever the contact is deleted. We are able to capture details if the contact is deleted using Delete…NikhilSamudrala-Oracle 24 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Madhuri Cheruku-Support-Oracle Sales
how to merge custom field values during account merge?Summary: how to merge custom field values during account merge? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Client has few custom multiselect DCL fiel…
Unable to update and primary address if it is a primary flag is true using rest APIHeader: Upsert-Mode : true Rest API: Payload: { "SourceSystem":…
Retire ore Reject - Sales Lead Mass ActionHello community, Mass Remove and Reject Leads records are required. In the classic view it was possible, but when using workspace the options do not appear when selectin…
Contact duplicate check always showing 20 existing contactsSummary: Hi @John Vakoc-Oracle In Redwood, while creating contact when we enter the same email address again, it is always showing there are 20 existing contacts with th…
how to update secondary Partner address to Account address in groovySummary: We have script to create Account when partner creates in system in same time we will add primary address also. Now we need to update secondary address also. how…
How to remove create account button for Specific rolesWe have requirement to hide the Create Account button for specific roles We have followed the below document , but still it doesn't help
Disabling Activity Email Notification when doing data import using import management tool.Hello, We have a requirement where we will be doing mass data import for activities. We will be updating a new field value but whenever a activity is updated or created …
AR customer creation in Oracle ERP Cloud via APIsSummary: Creation of AR customers in Oracle ERP cloud involves using the CRM Rest APIs for Contacts & Accounts or Hub Persons & Hub Organizations and the CRM SOAP web se…
What is the full list of valid values for Delimiter attribute of importActivities REST API?Summary: I am calling the importActivities REST API to load a delimited file into Sales Cloud. However, the file is pipe (|) delimited. What is the value that I should p…
I want to verify the cohort of our system (Eloqua and sales cloud)How i can verify the cohort of my client? and with that information how I can look for the update schedule of the 2025 year for sales cloud and eloqua I appreciate any h…
Video: CX Picker - Using Adaptive Search with DCL Field TemplatesCX Picker - Using Adaptive Search with DCL Field Templates: For Dynamic Choice List fields, that are in Adaptive Search (aka Workspace), you can use a powerful CX search…
Setting Quota Targets for ProductsSummary: We would like to confirm if it is possible to set quota targets on products within the system. This is a key requirement for our client, and we need to understa…
Accessing all the attachments from a common location for all of the Customer/Partner recordsSummary: Is it possible to access all the attachment from a report instead of navigating to each of the Customer/Partner records. (This can be a report or any other way,…
Visual Builder multiple projectSummary: we are 3 devs , each dev have their own project, each dev deals with different objects. the problem that we encounter, when some dev tried to publish their chan…
How do I remove ability to create account for a specific role?Summary: I am working on an implementation where only 2 roles are permitted to create an account. The other roles are not. I cannot find the role permission I can remove…
How to disable email notifications related to deal(e.g. action required email) for deal approvers?Summary: How to disable email notifications related to deal(e.g. action required email) for deal approvers? Thanks, Anuj
How to enable add product functionality while creating deal in redwood sales?Hi All, How to enable Add Product functionality to deal while creating deal reg and not after deal reg creation in Redwood Sales? Thanks, Anuj
How to search by “item number” in product sectionSummary: Search by “item number” in product section Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How can I search in the search bar of the “Products” s…
Sales Lead Mass Action - RetireSummary: Hi team, Is it possible to enable Retire for Sales Lead mass update? I don't see the option to turn it on in Smart Action. Thanks, Adam Content (please ensure y…
How to add seconds to timestamp in groovy scriptWill would need to validate an opportunity keeping it editable for few seconds, then the sales stage changes into a particular value (after that the opportunity can not …
Opportunity Revenue line search by Item Number (Product Number)Summary: How can we set Revenue item to search by Item Number instead of Product Name? Content (required): Hi, When we search for product while adding revenue line, we w…
Unable to add verbiage in Responsive Supplier Registration customizations.Summary: In the classic Supplier Registration Page i.e. the current set up we had the customizations in place as per the user requirement. However, in Responsive Supplie…Kim V - Hollywood, FL 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Supplier Management
Automatic emailSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24D Code Snippet (add any code snippe…Sadvika Rachakonda 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Sales
How to purge data from HZ_IMP_ERRORS table in Oracle fusion Customer ImportSummary: We are able to purge the customer upload interface table using 'Purge Interface Tables' ESS job by passing the load request id and Import Process as 'Import Tra…