Category 60-2
Discussion List
Creating CertificatesSummary: I'm in the process of updating our certificates to something more modern...I'm not an expert at HTML but I do know a little but I had to google and piece togeth…
Extreme Latency TodayIs anyone else experiencing extreme latency in our production environments today? We are on CHM and submitted a ticket to Oracle but have not received any acknowledgemen…
User Login HistorySummary: How to view more than just the last login for users in report form Content (required): I have been asked to provide the average number of users who log in a mon…
BI Report to use as a transcript that includes both enrollments and courses/classesSummary: I am challenged to build a BI Report that includes both the enrollments and courses/classes. I have only be able to get one or the other. Anyone have suggestion…
Documentation for Release 22A?Summary: Does it exist? Content (required): Not at this page: Could not find anyt…
Is anyone else having an issue with Learning Plan MESSAGES?Summary: While messages mapped to Enrollments are going out normally, messages mapped to Learning Plans do not seem to be firing from Taleo Learn. Content: Does anyone e…
Link to Report Sharing AreaSummary: Need the URL Content (required): There is (or at least used to be) an area where everyone could post their BI Reports to share with others. I lost the bookmark,…
Is anyone has having an issue with Learning Plans not completing?Summary: Learning Plans not completing when users complete all items. Content (required): Is anyone else having an issue with Learning Plans not completing when users co…
Site down?Summary: Anyone experiencing an outage? It seems to have started around 12:55 EST on 1/6/22. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…User_2025-01-25-05-02-54-430 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-05-02-54-430 Taleo Learn
BI Reporting performance today, 12/08/2021Summary: BI Reporting is taking a very long time to produce a short and simple enrollment report for an event with very few participants. The same report popped out imme…
Documentation for 21D release?Summary: I'm not finding any documentation for the "Major Release 21D" that's set to occur on Nov. 19th. Content (required): I checked for documentation under the HCM - …
How can I make courses available externally via sublearncenter that requires no logon.Summary: I need to be able to have external users, those without a profile or account, access a few courses on a sublearncenter. Content (required): I wanted to make a f…User_2025-01-23-22-04-00-597 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Connie Castillo-Winkler Taleo Learn
Copy Sub LearnCentre not copying pages acrossSummary: Copy SubLearnCentre creates the new one but doesn't copy the pages across Content (required): We have copied sub LearnCentres in the past successfully but now i…
Copy Sub LearnCentre Management Access CodeSummary: Copy Sub LC wants me to set up a new Management Access Code but won't accept any inputs Content (required): When copying Sub LearnCentres previously I needed to…