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Oracle University: How can a Learning Path be updated to indicate that I have completed a course?

Courses (as well as learning paths) are not automatically marked as completed in Oracle University, even if you have successfully completed an enablement course and obtained a certificate.



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Oracle University: How can a Learning Path be updated to indicate that I have completed a course?

Omar M.-Oracle
Omar M.-Oracle Red Ribbon
edited Oct 5, 2023 10:43PM in Clinical User Forum

Courses (as well as learning paths) are not automatically marked as completed in Oracle University, even if you have successfully completed an enablement course and obtained a certificate.

Below, you will find the steps that we recommend in order to mark a course (and learning path) as completed in Oracle University. This workflow is actually the recommended approach for taking our courses. However, please note that these steps are not mandatory in order to receive your certificate. The benefit of this process is that it allows you to test your knowledge through an online assessment and also receive a badge that you can share on your social networks.

First, access the Life Sciences learning subscription by clicking here. Make sure to sing in using your Oracle SSO.

Next, filter by learning paths by checking the corresponding box:

Then, click on the Learning Path you’re interested in completing.:

Next, click on the course you wish to complete:

On the right-hand side of the screen, you will find a playlist containing the items that make up the course. Typically, this includes a Live Event and a Reference document:

To achieve 100% completion of the course, it is recommended to start by clicking on the Live Event item. In the center of the screen, you will see the text "Please sign up!" which prompts you to sign up for the course. To do so, click on the button "View content":

You will be directed to the schedule of the Life Sciences Learning Subscription. Here, locate the course you wish to enroll in and complete. Then, click on the "Session Details" button:

A new screen will appear. Here you will find a description of the course and other relevant information. To enroll in the course, simply click the "Enroll" button:

After completing the course, it is recommended to access the reference material to label it as completed. To do so, return to the Life Sciences Learning Subscription in Oracle University and access the Learning Path to which this course belongs. You will notice that the course you enrolled in already shows a 50% completion. Please note that this completion percentage is based on assumption and not actual tracking of the Live Session. It is your responsibility to actually complete the session. Click on the course to access its playlist:

You will notice that the item "Live Event" is now highlighted in green.

Next, click on the "Reference" item:

You will see a "View content" button in the center of the screen. Click on it to access the reference material:

A new tab will open, displaying the reference material for this course. At this point, the system assumes that you have studied this material. It is your responsibility to go through it and study it:

If you go back to the course playlist, you will see that the reference item is now highlighted in green:

If you return to the list of courses that make up the learning path, you will notice that the course now shows a completion of 100%:

Our suggestion is to sign up and attend all the courses in the learning path, and also study the reference materials available for each course. After doing so, all the courses in the learning path will be labeled as completed.

Next, you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge by taking an online assessment. To do so, click on the assessment item:

Next, you will see a pop-up message like the one below. Click on "start" to begin the assessment. You will need to answer at least 80% of the questions correctly in order to pass and receive your badge:

There will be a variety of question types, such as multiple choice, true or false, etc:

If you pass the assessment, you will see a screen similar to this:

You will then see a congratulations message and have the option to view your badge or share it on your social networks:

And that's all there is to it! We hope this post has been helpful to you. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below.

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