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Hi @ImeldaSanchez, You'll be able to find the CMS Content the error mentioned by following these steps: 1. Navigate to Commerce > Content Management > CMS Contents 2. Click Edit on any of the records 3. Change the ID on the CMS Content URL. Ex. ('app/site/cms/services/cmscontent.nl?id=1&e=T') Change the value '1' to '24'…
Hi @Kathy Woll, I strongly suggest you implement counter measures for such as a Captcha feature on your registration forms and checkout forms to mitigate these types of scenario. Back end control for blacklisting/whitelisting address is not a feature currently offered by NetSuite. Although I've had several customers who…
Hi @eleran, Would it be possible if you could provide a visual aid on the layout you are expecting from the Commerce Categories? Regards, Adrian
Hi @Shubham_Singh, This is still being worked on by our technical writers. Changes will be rolled out automatically on the article once its finished. Regards, Adrian
Hi @User_H7U29, No, that is the standard configuration for the slider. Glad I could help. Regards, Adrian
Hi @User_H7U29, Based on the screenshot you've provided you are using a custom theme. If this is based off the standard Posh Theme, you should be able to remove the "SHOP NOW" link under the site configuration. Navigate to Commerce > Websites > Configuration Select the Website and Domain Click Configure Under the Posh…
Hi @User_H7U29, Can you provide a screenshot of the activated themes and extensions for your site? Kindly also provide the site URL? Regards, Adrian
Hi @Edi838, Just to confirm, you currently have an existing shipping promotion "Free Shipping over $60" and you want to exclude those customers under the dynamic group from getting the free shipping? Is this correct? Regards, Adrian
Hi @Shubham_Singh, The problem lies with the naming convention of your image files. If you look at the image file name format you have set the use of "-" as an item id delimiter and structure delimiter. The system is unable to distinguish the filename of the images due to this since the name of your item includes the use…
Hello @Shubham_Singh, Can you check the link of the item img by pressing right click and inspect? I think this is due to the special characters on the image name. Can you also provide a screenshot of the Image Filename Format field under the website record? Regards, Adrian
Hello @GaryA_42975 In the SuiteCommerce configuration side, there's not much configuration change you need to do. Its more of the backend records such as the payment processing profiles, customer records, item records, shipping item records, etc. As long as you ensure that everything is running under the same subsidiary…
Hello @Vernita, Angela is actually correct. As long as you've deployed the workflow on the form it will run as expected. It is the same with scripts as well. There's no context for it, just make you sure deploy the script on the custom form you are using. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Shubham_Singh, You don't need to enable anything on the configuration as it is enabled by default. We'll request the article to be updated. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Shubham_Singh, You can get more information regarding the Reorder Items feature by reading this SuiteAnswers article SA: 98818 Reoder Items. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Ayyapan, Normally, we use the browser dev tools to test the execution time of the checkout process as our test cases. We open up the dev tools and make use of the Network tab to record the execution and load time. Since you mentioned that it is taking time for your checkout to finish, I suggest to compare the load…
Hello @Shubham_Singh, Can you test enabling the Order History Columns Management and set the fields that you want to view on the order history page. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Shubham_Singh, Can you provide a screenshot of the Transaction List Column Configuration? Navigate to Commerce > Websites > Configuration Select the Site and Domain Click My Account > Transactions List Columns
Hello @User_OXAFV, It seems that the documentation you are following is for the setup for the NetSuite backend. If you are looking into setting it up on the webstore there are two ways we can do it. SAML SSO (Documenation: SuiteAnswers: 37567 SAML Single Sign-on Access to Web Store) OpenID Connect (OIDC) (Documentation:…
Hi @User_OXAFV, Please give me some time to look into this. In the meantime, kindly provide the URL of the documentation you've mentioned. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Shubham_Singh, This error is pretty vague and since this is a custom extension I'll assume that you've followed the best practice when developing a custom extension for SuiteCommerce on SuiteAnswers. Here's an old thread which might give you an idea regarding this error. It might have the solution you are looking…
Hello @JPrice, To answer your original question on what was changed on the backend during the update to 2024.1 you can check out SA: 1014858 NetSuite 2024.1 Release Notes. Based on the information you provided, looks like this will be best handled by a NetSuite customer support case as this will need extensive tests to…
Hello @JPrice, Can you also check if any bundles were recently updated back on Feb 19? You can check this by navigating to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles > List. Click on the Last Update Column to sort the bundles via Last Update. Regards, Adrian
Hello @JPrice, What's the name of the role id=17 on your production account? We'll have to check further on what was changed recently during the upgrade. Regards, Adrian
Hello @JPrice , Upon checking our logs, it is pointing to your custom role (id: 17) which is lacking the estimate permission. Kindly update the said role and see if the issue will still persist. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Shubham_Singh, Based on the information given, this is most likely caused by a script or workflow under the Sales Order record. Kindly review the scripts and workflows by going to Customizations > Scripting > Scripted Records > Click View/Edit on Sales Order. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Shubham_Singh, It's as simple as uninstalling the old version of the SuiteCommerce bundle. Just hover your mouse on the gear icon and follow the steps. Regards, Adrian
Hello @Shubham_Singh, To answer your question as well, it is best practice to only have one version of SCS on your account as having two different versions of it installed on your account can cause issues on the files on the backend in the long run. It may run without issues if you deploy it right now on the domain but as…
Hello @Jeannie, Setting the default shipping method for the commerce webstore is different from the default shipping method preference under the shipping item. The default shipping method for the commerce webstore should be set under the website record. More information about this can be found on the SuiteArticle I've…
Hello @Jeannie Here are the information I've gathered to answer your queries. Here is the SuiteAnswers article to select the preferred shipping method on your webstore. Kindly follow the instruction indicated on the article and it should resolved your first query. SA: 27420 Setting a Preferred Shipping Method for Your Site…
Hello @Jeannie , Thank your for posting your query, let me look into this and will get back to you after my investigation. Regards, Adrian