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@thomasss My guess is that you are not specifying "Shipping Line" = NO in your search. (also possibly "Tax Line" = No) Another way to verify the data: 1) Make a copy of the search used to populate the custom field 2) Edit the copied search and hard code the internal ID for the transaction you are verifying against…
I have been doing NetSuite for over 13 years and love that I learn new stuff each day. I was just shown a join I have never noticed or seen before: Line System Notes... This totally does what I am looking for and wonder how long this has been available?
Is your sales order in Pending Approval status?
@DanishBernadeth Which release notes is that in that you are referring to? We still use the legacy BOMs and have hundreds of searches and customizations that rely on the original functionality.
@Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle Thank you, yes and it is correct. I am curious as this is a NetSuite supplied script for the NetSuite Connector and will I now have issues with that?
@User_SJXBI We are updated to bundle version 8.9.1 and unfortunately it has not corrected the issue. I was just able to recreate the same bug in our sandbox.
@User_SJXBI We have been having the EXACT same issue for months. Avalara originally blamed NetSuite. After sending them many example they finally came back last Wednesday and said we needed to update our bundle to resolve the issue. We just refreshed our sandbox and are testing there to make sure other things do not break…
@jm4160 I would hide that tab on the customer record preferred form and create your own custom sublist and add that to the customer record.
Kits are not built, they are only picked/packed together. You would need to use an item type of Assembly. If you do not have the manufacturing versions you may not have that item type
I found my issue. I was trying to import to September but the other periods were still open (in our sandbox). Once I closed all periods up through August, NetSuite automatically selected the current open period. Cheers, John
You should use the '*' character for multiplication. That should fix it (assuming both custom fields are one of the numeric types) {custrecord_envaspectsimpactlikelihood} * {custrecord_envaspectsimpactconseqence}
Thank you so much.
In order to remove the other unneeded vendor, make sure your CSV import is only updating the preferred vendor. On the second screen (Import Options), click the Advanced Options and check the box for Overwrite Sublists. When the import goes to set the preferred vendor, it will first clear the vendor sublist and then add…
@Richard James Uri-Oracle Thanks for this. I am not a developer, but I am assuming that this is done within the code itself? If that is the case, I guess we are out of luck as our company has stopped doing business with that vendor. I just pray that our new WMS go live is soon.
I am following this also as I have received numerous complaints already today.
There are a few fields that are like this. We created a Custom Field with Global Search checked and then a workflow that would copy the non-searchable field into the custom field whenever the item was updated. The fields must be of the same type.
@Dominica Sevilla-Oracle I cannot believe I missed that. That was exactly the problem! Thank you for saving my sanity.
I believe the reason you are not seeing these is because an unapproved Bill does not hit the ledger so therefor it will never end up on the Aging report
Just as an FYI, I found this thread when searching on adding the applied to invoices on a credit memo PDF. Unfortunately my credit memos are not created from an invoice. So the createdfrom did not work for me. I was able to do it adding this code after the Item List segment: <table class="itemtable" style="width: 100%;…
@User_GE47I Actually, A sales order will (by default) create 1 PO per vendor. Instead of reverting back to pending approval, when VIEWING the sales order, there should be a hyperlink on the item lines for both "Drop Ship" and "Special Order". The links sometimes look like a single link. Be sure to select Drop Ship if that…
Unfortunately you did not include the Criteria page. I am guessing you are using Mainline = YES. There are no items on Mainline (Order header)
@User_1I8SP You can definitely do this using a CSV import. Just create a search for the product line you want to change and export to CSV. Make sure to include the Internal ID and Name field. Edit the Name to add your Prefix and do a csv import using UPDATE
@Jason_Moore If you do not mind looking manually, over on the right side of the closed transaction line you should see a link for "History". That will show you who closed an individual line.
@Jason_Moore You should be able to tell from the system notes. Here is an example of one I did recently in our sandbox. See the Document Status field change
@Buckeye1497 I just did mine as a Formula (Date/Time) as CASE WHEN {systemnotes.field} = 'Printed Picking Ticket' AND {systemnotes.newvalue} = 'T' THEN {systemnotes.date} END And did not get the Invalid formula. You do NOT need to specify an "Else" which then implies a Null value
@Michaela Howard Sorry, my first response would send a reminder every day for 5 day. If you do this it will only send it once (changed "within" to "on")
@Michaela Howard Here is 1 possible way... Since we do not normally print our sales orders, we modified our sales order HTML form to be titled Pro-Forma Invoice (you could have yours say "Prepayment Invoice" yet still show the Sales Order number. That way when they pay you can create a deposit against the sales order.
@Michaela Howard In your criteria you can select Due Date within "five days from now"
Not sure when this changed or if this had always been ther but if you brint up a list of the Bill Credits from Transactions -> Payables -> Enter Vendor Credits -> LIST When using the Default View, there is a column labeled PRINT. This actually uses the PDF or HTML form associated with the Transaction record. I fould this…
@Dext3r If you go to Customization, Forms, Transaction Forms and edit your preferred form for "Packing Slip", you will find the section to change to use your preferred form. Unfortunately, NetSuite ignores the "Preferred" setting on the HTML form