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Thank you for reply. I followed the same article when I tried to install plugin. But, I still see the same error. I switched to VS Code but just wanted to let you know.
I'm also unable to install IDE Plugin for Eclipse. I tried different versions but none of them worked. Can someone please help? @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle
Yes. We are creating the records like in the first approach with single line - qty 2. The problem we are seeing is tax basis is equal to Net Amount. But, we are expecting it should be item price for NY tax thresholds.
Hi Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle, Sorry for the late reply but we implemented a solution using a custom record and script to override tax rates based on specific thresholds. However, we encountered an issue during SuiteTax testing that we wanted to clarify. While testing, we noticed that the tax basis is being calculated as the…
Hi @
Hi Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle, Thank you for the details and I'm still working on it. I will let you know details.
Is it possible to implement the $110 NY tax rule via a script? In the legacy tax script, we first check the price and shipping address details, such as the city, state, and zip code of the order. We then perform a search on tax codes and set the corresponding tax codes returned by the search at the line level. Can we…
Hmmm.. $110 validation very important for us. In the legacy tax setup, we have a script that look up the tax codes based on the price and set at line level. Do you have any use case that explains tiered tax codes using this Suite Tax? I will recheck the origin and destination based taxes again. Thank you so much for…
Thank you for checking this. Reg origin based tax, In my example SHIP TO state is Virginia which is origin based so it should charge sales tax based on SHIP FROM address that is New York. Please correct me if I'm doing this incorrectly. Thank you! Sai Chandrasekhar
Hi Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle, Thank you for your reply. Please see my analysis below. Regarding Tiered Rates, I have created transactions with amounts both less than and greater than $110 using inventory items for New York. I observed that NetSuite is calculating taxes for items priced below $110, which should not happen for…
Hi Erick, Thank you !! I tried that. It's returning data. Will it be same as Total/Amount ?
Okay... I will try this in script without discount rate. Thanks! MS Chandrasekhar
Hii, Please see my answers below. 1. sample script var lineCount = recordRtnAuth.getLineItemCount('promotions'); for(var i=1;i<=lineCount;i++) { recordRtnAuth.selectLineItem('promotions', i); recordRtnAuth.setCurrentLineItemValue('promotions', 'couponcode','20OFFSALETEST');…
The code which you shared is the exact code which you're using ? I'm not seeing any entry point functions like post or put for RESTlet . Also, we normally use require in debugger and why can't you try using define ? And I think the object should be define directly in file.create instead of defining it separately .. so-that…
Thank you for your reply ... but, after my analysis I understand that this is happening because of another customization. We have a Line Level checkbox to select items for Picking Ticket. So, I resolved this. Thanks again for your support !! MS Chandrasekhar
Just simply try below code by adding folder internal id ? var fileObj = file.create({ name: 'test.txt', fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT, contents: 'Hello World\nHello World', description: 'This is a plain text file.', encoding: file.Encoding.UTF8, folder: ''}); var fileId = fileObj.save(); Thanks! MS Chandrasekhar
Hi, On which record you're trying to set field value ? give corresponding permissions and then try ? Thanks! MS Chandrasekhar
Hi , Try this one ? var fileObj = file.create({ name: 'test.txt', fileType: file.Type.PLAINTEXT, contents: 'Hello World\nHello World', description: 'This is a plain text file.', encoding: file.Encoding.UTF8, folder: 156 }); var fileId = file.save(); Thanks! MS Chandrasekhar
Hi, I think you have to use selectLine instead of selectNewLine as you are using context.newRecord; First, you have to get line count and loop through every line and do required things. Thanks! MS Chandrasekhar
Hi, Can you try using 'isjob' filter ( using a search on that SO ) ? It will helps to make conditions and I think this filter works only when the Project Management feature is disabled. But, Why can't you try once ? Thanks! MS Chandrasekhar
Hii, Please refer this link : https://ursuscode.com/netsuite-tips/suitescript-2-0-sftp-tool/ Thank you! MS Chandrasekhar
Myself found an alternative solution for this and replying same that might helps someone. I achieved this with a new Transaction Column Field. I have sourced Item field data in this field ( to line level ). So, Now I'm able print required details from Line Level as this is a one-level. Thank you!
Could you please try by updating restrictToScriptIds: [runtime.getCurrentScript().id] in form.addCredentialField ? Thank you! MS Chandrasekhar
Hi, Could you please try using ${tranline.item.rate} ? Thank you! MS Chandrasekhar
Hi, Please find sample below and develop your logic accordingly. /**<br/> *@NApiVersion 2.x<br/> */<br/> require(['N/sftp', 'N/file'],<br/> function(sftp, file) {<br/> var myPwdGuid = "B34672495064525E5D65032D63B52301";<br/> var myHostKey = "AAA1234567890Q=";<br/><br/> var connection = sftp.createConnection({<br/>…
Hi 396996, As per my understanding from your post, It will always return 200 because It indicates you have successfully requested RESTlet end point even though your logic has some errors. It will return other codes like 500 or 405 etc only when Nestuite failed to accept your request. RESTlet will not going to trigger…
could you please explain in detail ? Thank you!
Hi Iman, You can parse results like below..... Loop all results and get all required values from search results object and add every result in List. for(var i=0;i<searchResult.length;i++){ var plItemOrderId = (searchResult[i].getValue({name:'internalid'})); var plItemTranId = (searchResult[i].getValue({name:'tranid'}));…
I think above reply will works !!
Sure, I will add additional vote. Thank you !!