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Thanks Alex - I did see the suggestions and I've been looking at my options. I am triggering the emails from a workflow button that moves through various workflow states. I would typically configure the first transition (from the initial state) to be triggered when the button is pressed by the user. In the next state, the…
OK thanks - it would seem from your screenshot that 'standard' NetSuite does not display the items in the packages (but clearly it has allocated items to packages in order to calculate the weights). I'll look at development options to improve this
My issue was logged with Support, and I have now received v 2.10.0 in our production account, and I can confirm this has fixed the issue. I still don't understand why it didn't fix the issue in our Release Preview account, but at least it is correct now in Live.
@Michelle Jabanes-Oracle I am still unsure if the 'NetSuite File Drag and Drop Version 2024.2' mentioned in Robert's post is version '2.10.0' or something else / different. And I have now proved in Release Preview that 2.10.0 does NOT resolve the issue of the File Drang and Drop box obscuring the menu links. Neither of the…
These probably won't work exactly for you, but you will need something similar based on 'Applying Transaction':
Thanks - I wasn't aware the update process was different in Sandbox/Release Preview. I've updated the bundle in Release Preview, but it is still obscuring the menu links.
I achieved something similar using a Custom Record and a Workflow (running as Admin). They user with limited permissions creates a Custom Record that has a field type matching the one you want to change (in my case I wanted some users to be able to change the Location field on their Employee record - and at the time we…
@Luis G - I have a scripted solution that recalculates Purchase Order due date based on working days (including searching a custom record where we can record holidays and other non-working days). We also have some suppliers that only deliver on certain days of the week, so we have built additional logic for that! Please…
Thankyou @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle - that search criteria gives a result that matches the figure shown in our Billing Information screen. I can use this to demonstrate to the Marketing Manager where/when the emails have been sent. It would be helpful to others if this search definition could be made available in…
Thanks @Jervin Nicholas Teopengco-Oracle , that is now working.
If you are running any calculations in the custom template (i.e. subtracting committed from quantity or similar), then if any of the values are 'null' then this will likely error. You might need something like this: <#if (item.quantitycommitted?has_content)> <#assign numtopick = item.quantitycommitted> <#else> <#assign…
Apparently it is a known defect: I understand your concern about the unresponsive drop-down menu. We’re currently aware of this defect in our system, and our technical team is already working on a solution. I’ll go ahead and link your case to this ongoing issue based on your initial email.
These are hard to track/resolve, but as you have some transactions working and some not, then it must be related to the fields on the transactions…… Is this the standard picking ticket template or a custom one? Are there any calculations in the picking template that relate to fields that could be empty on one transaction?
Don't worry, I think it was being set on the old bank account via Workflow; I've duplicated this for the new Bank and now both appear OK.
Thanks We are building up more and more pricing quantity ranges, so I'm not sure how helpful this will be. I will review these options, but I ideally need an export where each item price and quantity range is on a separate line (ready for a CSV import).
The first 6 columns are from the NetSuite search. I've then added my notes as to what each line refers to, and then what value I need to import pricing. If you open this in Excel, beware that the value 1-9 will get converted to a date.
I also cannot understand why this is a valid Formula (Numeric): CASE WHEN {pricing.quantityrange} = '1-0' THEN 0 END and so is this: ( SUBSTR({pricing.quantityrange},0,(CASE WHEN INSTR({pricing.quantityrange},'+') = 0 THEN INSTR({pricing.quantityrange},'-') ELSE INSTR({pricing.quantityrange},'+') END)-1) ) But combining…
@Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle based on research of articles in the NetSuite help systems I have created a second Payment Type for the new bank account. I am hoping that this will mean that auto created payments will have a valid Payment Type (based on the bank account) and then there should be no need to change this field when…
The sample script linked (re: flat rate shipping) could be useful - we will be investigating this in more detail.
@Richard James Uri-Oracle We are familiar with 'fieldchanged' SuiteScript, but we cannot find a trigger for when the total amount of a transaction changes (whilst in create / edit mode)
Thanks @Elychelle Gulen-Oracle That is useful to know this is the 'expected' behaviour. We will look to script changes to adjust the transaction lines to follow the Item's department.
Thanks, I've voted for that
@Niks Blando-Oracle My test item is set as follows: Customers on the first 3 pricing levels should be able to buy boxes of 10 at £99.99, and the higher 3 levels at £69.95 The pricing works correctly if they buy 10, 20 or 30 items, but if they buy 13 items then all 13 are charged at 9.99 each = 129.87 (when in theory they…
@Paul Reading - did you ever find a good solution for this? I am looking at exactly the same problem
My developer has created a workflow action script that will update the Location field based on the Adjustments sublist.
I can't be sure, but in most of the cases I've looked at, the 'wrong' units of measure on the inventory count appears to be the same as the one above it? This was in a location that doesn't use bin locations - so all items are in the same bin. But we have seen the same problem on counts where the item is the only item in…
It would appear the CSV imports are working OK now - it failed on some closed periods, but all Inventory Adjustments that were accessible seemed to update correctly. I then re-opened the closed periods and all transactions were updated as expected. I am still working on a solution to set this field on new transactions. I…
Transaction Import for Inventory Adjustment - using Standard Form CSV: Transaction before: And would you believe it - it has worked this time!!! 🤔 I'll try a larger import later - hopefully my previous problem was a random anomaly..... 🤞
Yes, the fix was issued yesterday and the problem appears to be resolved.
Thanks @Clarisa De Torres-Oracle - I have raised a New Case # 5628930