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Let us know if the suggested workflow setup above works for your business requirements or if you need further assistance ? You can also share your solution to help other community members experiencing the same concern.
Let us know if the other workflow setup worked on your end or if you need further assistance ? You can also share your solution to help other community members experiencing the same concern.
Let us know if the button is now working as expected on edit mode of existing records after adding Edit on selected Event Types. You can also share your solution to help other community members experiencing the same concern ?
Hi Johnny, I was able to print the custom transaction line field on the printed Picking Ticket using the steps from SuiteAnswers article. Here's the field and transaction form setup on my end: Custom Transaction Line Field Custom Transaction Form Here's what it looked like on the printed Picking Ticket: Can you share the…
Hi @Jay Schwausch, Can you confirm on what record is Item Category applied to? Can you share the custom field setup here to help us replicate your concern? If you'd like to source a value from a custom field that is on the same record where the value will be set to, Record (Join Field) should be set to Current Record. The…
Thank you for posting your concern on the community, Chris! ? One of our gurus who has the expertise on your concern will further check this and get back to you with their findings. To other community members, feel free to comment your insights below! ?
Hi @User_BLJ1M, You can add a Send Email workflow action to send specific email templates base on the items purchased of the customer. Here's a sample Send Email action created on a Sublist Action Group trigger on After Record Submit: On Condition field, you can select Item (Line) applicable for the specific template you'd…
Hi Toanne, I tested this on my end and was only able to change Order Status to Planned or Released by setting it to: Pending Approval -> Planned Closed -> Released Upon further checking, Assembly Build record must be created to change Status to Built. A standard Create Build button is available when Status is Released and…
Hi Lily, I used your workflow setup on my end and it was working as expected. The values entered on Message were backed up on the custom CRM field. You can try another setup below to store Message values on the custom CRM field with Rich Text field Type: Here's the formula for setting the custom CRM field:…
Thank you for posting your concern on the community, @User_HPB3I! One of our gurus who has the expertise on your concern will further check this and get back to you with their findings. To other community members, feel free to comment your suggestions! ?
Thank you for posting on the community, @User_BLJ1M! ? We'll further check this and get back to you with our findings. -- To other community members, feel free to comment your suggestions below!
Thank you for sharing the screenshots, VirtusX! You can also select Edit on Event Types on workflow setup and Add Button workflow action to make the button available when editing an existing record.
Hi Toanne, The ability to change the file name on downloaded/emailed printed transaction records is not yet available on the system. It is currently tracked as enhancement request through Enhancement #169158 - Setup>Company>Printing, Fax and Email Preferences: Ability to customize PDF file name format for emailing. As of…
Hi Johnny@User_2I30C, You can create a custom transaction line field to display the line number per line item on Sales Order. You may check Answer Id: 81851 - Add Custom Transaction Line Field to Sales Order to Indicate Line Item Numbers for the detailed steps. Let us know if the solution worked or if you need further…
Thank you for posting your concern on the community and welcome to the community, @User_Q72RK! ? One of our gurus who has the expertise on Invoice Groups will further check this and get back to you with their findings. --- To other community members, feel free to comment your suggestions below ?
I agree with Justin's explanation. The selection on From Field > Field is the source of value the Set Field Value workflow action will be setting Item Process Group to. You should use this if you are want to source the value from a joined record. However, if you want to set the field to a specific value, you should select…
Can you share screenshots of your workflow setup, @VirtusX, to further check why it doesn't transition properly to the next action? The button is disabled/greyed out when creating new record. It is the default behavior for buttons added from Add Button workflow action triggered on create. You may follow Add Button Action…
Thank you for sharing your concern here, @User_DM8HY! One of our gurus who has the expertise on your concern will further check this and get back to you with their update. -- To other community members, feel free to add your insights here!
Thank you for creating a new thread on the community, Lily! ? We'll further test this and get back to you with our findings. --- If you have time, hope you can vote on the poll for our upcoming webinar. Click here to vote on the topic you're most interested in! See you on our next webinar session! ?
No worries, @rburns515 ? You may follow the guide below in creating the workflow: Here are some SuiteAnswers articles you may check to help you create similar workflow setup: Answer Id: 11554 - Creating Your First Workflow Answer Id: 11555 - Step 1 Define Workflow Basic Information Answer Id: 11557 - Step 3 Define the…
Thank you for posting your concern on the community, @Martha Hakes! ? May we ask for the specific error you've received on Sandbox? One of our gurus who has the expertise on your concern will further investigate this and get back to you with their findings. To other community members, feel free to share your insights! ?
Hi @dle_35705, Base on your Item record screenshot, Item Name and Display Name has the same value and on both fields are called on Standard Packing Slip Template which is why it looks like it is printed twice on single line. You can remove ${tranline.description} if there are other items with same Item Name and Display…
Coupon Code is not yet exposed on the list of Field on Set Field Display Type workflow action upon testing. For fields not yet exposed on workflow, I suggest using script instead. You may check all the available standard fields on Records Browser. You may check a sample script on Answer Id: 31253 - Disable or Hide a Field…
Thank you for posting your concern on the community, @Kenny Wise! ? One of our gurus who has the expertise on your concern will further check this and get back to you with their findings. To other members, feel free to share your insights below! ?
Hi John, Let us know if the workflow worked on your end and don't forget to mark Tafara's answer so other members having the same concern can check the best answer easier ?
You can hide any tabs by hiding all the visible fields under it on view mode. On the sample above, I hid Custom tab by hiding Customer Test custom body field which is the only visible field when viewing the record. To do this, I added a Set Field Display Type workflow action with Display Type set to Hidden for Customer…
Hi @VirtusX, Here's the workflow setup on my end if you'd like to add the button on view or edit mode: On the sample Sales Order below, the Class (Main) is set to Items while the Class (Line) is null. After clicking Populate Class (Line) button created from the workflow above, Class (Line) is set to the same value as Class…
Akamai’s issue with DNS service has been resolved. Issue experienced earlier on UI and SuiteCommerce Websites should also be resolved along with it. If you're still experiencing any issues, please contact NetSuite Customer Support. Thank you for your patience.
We're currently experiencing intermittent availability which might be connected to your concern. Our engineers are already aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. You may check the Status page in the meantime for the updates. We'll also update you here once we have confirmed the issue has been resolved. We…
I added another Set Field Display Type workflow action on the suggested workaround workflow for a sample custom transaction body field to be displayed on view mode using the Customer Center role. Comment custom field set to Normal display type by the workflow is now showing when viewing the record. To hide any tabs, we…