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Thank you. We will check out the webinar. Thanks, Aileen
Thank you, Grace. Sorry for the delay. I was off Friday and then looked at this yesterday. We aren't working with the implementation partner any longer, so we are managing internally. Once I saw your question, it provided the answer. We need a custom field on the PO to pull only the item # and then use it rather than the…
Here is how it looks now - we'd like to separate the item and description so we can print the PO description (which may be different than the engineering description). We'd like something more like this: Thanks, Aileen
Thank you, Able Wilson! That worked. A colleague was on a call with NS Support and asked about it while they were working on another problem and they just said we have to script it. Thanks again. Aileen Green
Hi. I'm sorry I wasn't clear with my question. I want to have a custom field on the item populated from the saved search, The standard item has quantity on hand and last PO price. I'd like these other fields on the item as well. However, it looks like only entity forms and some others can have fields populated by saved…
We are doing an integration to another system where we manage vendors. Our integrator is looking for them to be in the list for validation between the 2 systems. Since most were in the list, we felt that was the way. I can ask them if they can just manage with the list in the originating system.
Hi. Sorry for not being clear. The navigation is setup->company->States/Provinces/Counties. Thanks, Aileen
Thanks for any help. It's appreciated.
Thank you so much. I have passed it on to our integrator and may come back if they have questions. Thanks, Aileen