Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Better control over BI Server caching for external (Db/file-based) data sets in OAS environment

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We are having DV projects based on external data sets from Oracle database (with having Data Access property set to "Live", since the data are quite volatile).
But even when using "Live" access, BI Server cache (not XSA cache) comes to play and logical queries for DV projects are cached (in BI Server cache - since we have Bi Server caching switched on - OAS environment is hosting plenty of existing Answers/Dashboards output based on metadata,leveraging BI Server cache) and subsequent users are served (instead of live queries to Oracle db) from BI Server cache.
This is for us really unwanted situation - we dont want DV project consumers (who are running the DV project in so called presentation mode - where there is no possibility to perform data refresh action  - which clears/repopulates the BI Server cache)  to be served from BI Server cache (showing stale data).
So our requirements for product enhancments are following :
1) To have the ability for external data set from database (with Data Access property="Live") or files to have a  property (and beeing able to set it when creating/modifying data set), which is causing , that results are not cached in BI Server cache (similar to property "Cachable" in tables in physical layer of OBIEE metadata 
2) To have the ability for DV projects (similar as for example for OBIEE analysis in Answers - by setting system session variable DISABLE_CACHE_HIT in Advanced tab in Asnwers) to set/define, that for particular DV project, BI Server cache will be bypassed
3) To have ODBC call similar to the known/documented ones - eg. SAPurgeCacheByDatabase - to be able to programatically purged BI Server cache for particular external data set 

Use Case and Business Need

Those features are really a must for build DV projects vizualization for consumers, showing fresh data (not stale from BI Server cache) - thus making DV trusworthy data visualization tool (complementing already existing "traditional" BI world - Answers/Dashboards).

Original Idea Number: 0eb995f77e

5 votes

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