Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Add functionality to set 'Share' permissions at the folder level, add functionality to set permissio


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In order to give users 'Save a copy' (save as) but not 'Save' over (overwrite) permissions to projects within folders, permissions must be set to Share=Edit and Access=Read-Only ( However. 'Share' permissions are only able to be set at the project level, and not at the folder level. Only 'Access permissions are shown at the folder level. 

By default, 'Share' is set to View when a new project is created. There is currently no functionality to preset security as Share=Edit and Access=Read-Only which would enable 'save as' but not 'save over'.


1) Add functionality to set 'Share' permissions at the folder level

2) Add functionality to set permissions at the folder level and apply to all projects within that folder

Use Case and Business Need

Consider the use case where there are two folders: 'Accounting' and 'Accounting Sandbox'. The Accounting Sandbox folder is used by members of accounting that can create, save, and share visualizations with other members of accounting. This folder will allow 'save' (overwrite) and 'save a copy' (save as). The Accounting folder is used by members of accounting to view validated reports created by admins. The Accounting members should be able to save a copy of the reports in the Accounting folder back to the Accounting Sandbox and then work from there. Without the functionality to preset 'Share' permissions on the Accounting folder, an admin will have to individually update the permissions on every project within the folder.

1) The ability to set 'Share' permissions at the folder level will allow admins to preset the 'Share' permissions at the folder level so anytime a project is migrated to that folder, it will have the proper permissions for 'save' or 'save as' as set by an admin

2) The ability to set 'Share' and 'Access' permissions at the folder level and apply to all projects within that folder will save admins hundreds of clicks eliminating the current need to individually set every single project's permissions. This will allow admins to update permissions of all contents in a folder with only a few clicks. 

More details

Other data visualization and analytics tools have this functionality that OAC is lacking. 

Original Idea Number: 992d4a74a5


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