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Business Friendly enhancements for Essbase metadata editing

Organization Name
Emirates National Bank, Dubai
The user wants to create a custom hierarchy in the Essbase application directly from DV
Use Case and Business Need
Dear Team,
My customer uses many EPM and Essbase applications.
The CFO Office and business users have deployed dashboards in OAC DV 6.0.
The Customer wants to create custom hierarchy for an Essbase dimension (kind of shared members concept that exist in Essbase)
They also would like to see an enhanced functionality to update Alias Tables to rename members or create a new alias for the members directly from DV.
I would like to request if we this can be considered an enhancement to include in the Data Flow part or within the DV to be able to edit the existing metadata or creating a new custom hierarchy with shared members directly from DV.
Similarly, we would like to also request for an enhancement to edit or rename existing members dynamically from DV.
As an example, These members could be within specific generations as part of a dimension within the essbase cube.
So we may use specific generations in a visual, and create filters within the same visual to select few members.
Customer sometimes wish to rename these specific members or create their own custom hierarchy with these specific members.
Original Idea Number: 514e221dd6
Hi Gautam,
Regarding the second request, would you be able to provide some details or better yet examples of the use case.