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Ability to Federate Directly with Active Directory (ADFS)

Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):
Summary (Required):
You should have the ability to federate DIRECTORY through Microsoft Active Directory for ease-of-use. Currently, if you would like to use OAC, you can only do so through IDCS. ADFS is one of the largest Identity Providers in the world and would be convenient to be able to connect directly to to eliminate friction.
Use Case and Business Need (Required):
My customer has tens of thousands of users in ADFS and does not duplicate this effort in OCI with IDCS in order to avoid multiplying exposure and management effort.
Why not use the OCI ADFS Bridge connector?
- So far the bridge connector in OCI has not been very user friendly. Tickets have been opened, error codes not explained in enough detail, and documentation is lacking for trouble shooting
- This duplicates exposure on two IDPs
- This is an extra step that could be eliminated to enhance user experience
Would love to hear any feedback from users utilizing ADFS or the bridge connector. Would this be of use or better than the bridge connector?