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Details regarding the reason for "Analysis not done." message in Excel sheets generated by agents


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):

TDK Electronics AG

Description (Required):

From time to time some agents do not raise errors and generate MS Excel files containing only the text "Analysis not done." in the 1st cell of the affected sheet. If the output has more than 1 sheet it can happen that some sheets contain data and some only the mentioned message. The agent status does not reflect the issue.

No reason for this strange behaviour can be found in any log files and there is also no possibility to detect this early, before affected recipients are asking about the missing data.

Running the agents manually, after founding the issue, help generating the needed data but is only a workaround.

Such issues should be logged including details and best would be to reflect this also in the agent status.

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

Data sent out by agents is incomplete and can't be used by the users without any explanation or warning.

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

Log the errors which are causing this "Analysis not done." message and link errors with this message to be able to find the root cause and solve it.

5 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Anders Valdemarsson
    Anders Valdemarsson Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    We are currently struggling with this topic in our company also. The issue "suddenly" started and we still do not know the root cause of why this happens to some of our agents.