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Do not ruin timestamp of OAC Catalog folders and objects when permission properties are set.


Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):

Postmedia Network

Description (Required):

OAC, Classic Catalog. I had to change permissions on a very crowded folder. Hundreds (if not thousands) of subfolders and individual objects (Analyses, BI-Publisher reports. Bi-PPUblisher data models, dashboards, dashboards prompts, agents, etc.)

When I set permissions on the parent folder, ALL the "Last Modification Date and timestamps" got 'touched' to reflect the instant I made the permission change.

Oracle Development declares this is by design.

In my humble opinion, the last modification date & time for an analysis owned by a user shouhdl reflect the last modification date and time when the user saved said analysis.

I am receiving complaints from users who were relying on "Last Modification Date & Time" to keep track of when they had last modified it.

Now every object in that folder and subfolders shows the same date & time.

Use Case and Business Need (Required):

Users use the "LAST MODIFICATION DATE & TIME" of each analysis to know when they last modified said analysis.

Administrator needed to improve security properties and permissions on folders, and that provoked that every single object be timestamped as if it it scontent had been modified.

please see description for further details.

Enhancement Request / Service Request:

Please do NOT overwrite the Last Modification Date & Time of an object because permissions on the parent folder were modified.

By the way, take a look at what happens on a Windows computer, if you modify Security properties on a word document. Its last modification date & time will not change.

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