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Required a new API to retrieve the whole catalog from a given root
Required a new API to retrieve the whole catalog from a given root
As part of our portal we embed OAS objects (reports, widgets, dashboards) in customer's homepages.
In order to do that, we call the existing ORACLE SOAP API’s - http://<server_name>:9502/analytics-ws/saw.dll/wsdl/V12
many times recursively using getWebCatalogServiceSoap().getSubItems.
Doing it this way ends with a very bad performance (in real time) therefore we would appreciate creating this new API.
Note - this API should retrieve NOT the whole catalog BUT the catalog from a given root.
If you would like to file an enhancement, then first search the Ideas Lab.
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How To Create An Enhancement Request In Ideas Lab For Oracle Analytics (Doc ID 2662737.1)
As for performance, it is not ideal retrieving a large catalog or entire catalog, only sub-items.
I would be surprised it was not timing out
The same would apply to archive/unarcive via the UI or runcat command-line.
For smaller recursive, perhaps consider increasing SOAP timeout and make sure JVM memory is adequate.
It's hard to recommend not understanding the performance issue or scripting.