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BI Publisher Report - Suffixes Template Name and Output File Name - Repeats
a must have feature as user needs exported report name should also include customer name field or invoice number, date etc
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Can we append timestamp to report output file name in Oracle fusion?
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Hi @RupaliGahalot ,
We can add timestamp while scheduling the report or using bursting mechanism.
- While scheduling select the output tab and add a destination example FTP. FileName_ABC_%y%m%d%H%M%S.fileextension
- PARAMETER5 of Bursting in case of FTP transfer Example ABC_|| ID || %H%M%S.fileextension
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I would like timestamps for "live" editions (no scheduling, no bursting).
I tried to use the parameters in the name of the layout directly, just in case...
with book_%y it complains there is bad url encoding
with book_%25y (proper url encoding for %) it adds a new tab for each press of "refresh" 😅
Really missing dynamic naming of live editions 😥
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I have tried the same for email delivery in order to have timestamp added in the report output. but it is not working and rather appearing as text values.
Could you please suggest any wayout for report job scheduling with 'Email' option?
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Hi @User_YIWXL ,
You can ahead with bursting mechanism, and I have tried this with XML file extension.
Could you please try that am not sure of excel file type.
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This is must have feature, we would like to send other info on file name when calling from OIC integration like Error success count, so OIC do not need to read file just to get that and can read filename to get that.
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Hi @Swapnil Kashid ,
I found that with bursting we can achieve it . Thanks for your assistance.
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Hello, I am responding there since this idea is documented (Doc ID 2621181.1).
The format as it is now is ok for a default behaviour, but unfortunately BIP as it is currently designed don't propose an alternate way.
For what I have read in the comments, and the expectations I can get from the business, there is plenty of scenarios where this naming would better be changed:
For example, reports for Analytics could get a custom name, which in a sense is not that helpful since it can be adjusted by renaming the report and the template.
When the report generates a document, it would make sense that the filename takes the document number, or whatever is expected by the user.
I suppose then that one way that would benefit all would be to allow to pick a node in the data model output as the filename. That would allow the report designer to tune up the report export filename as fitted to the user request.
I apologize for the above to be slightly different from your initial suggestion.
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we need this feature as well.