Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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BI Publisher Report - Suffixes Template Name and Output File Name - Repeats



  • Soma Santhosh Kotrike
    Soma Santhosh Kotrike Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This feature requested by Senthil would be really useful for business users. Oracle must look forward to provide a user friendly feature within the properties of the report to generate the output file name dynamically. It should have the capability to use various data fields and/or the parameters values that are already available in the report.

    As an example: We have a master report in list format. In this report the name of the employee is a clickable link, when clicked on this link it opens up and saves another report in PDF. As part of a business process, users need to generate this secondary pdf report for around 100 employees every month. Imagine the situation, at the moment the user is able to click but the report gets downloaded and saves with the same name using sequential numbers like (1),(2)..etc. This is creating additional work for users to open the report and then save it with the name of the employee and performance assessment year.

    I request oracle to kindly pursue this request and implement this feature accordingly in a timely manner. This will greatly help all the customers.

  • Tom John Bontoyan
    Tom John Bontoyan Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    This feature will be really helpful for end users to avoid confusion when downloading the BIP report output (in some cases when the report name and the template name are the same it looks like the report name is repeated).

  • User_Y3KHV
    User_Y3KHV Rank 1 - Community Starter

    My client has similar issues. The report name and layout name are combined to generate the excel output, which shouldn't be a case.

  • Bhaskar Konar
    Bhaskar Konar Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Much needed feature and will add so much values.

  • Michael Johnson
    Michael Johnson Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This seems to be a greatly requested feature dating back almost 5 years. It would be really great if this could be implemented.

  • Gyanendra Gour
    Gyanendra Gour Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Strongly agree, we would dynamic filenaming option

  • Pietro Papaioannu
    Pietro Papaioannu Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Sometimes I feel unconfortable about why users need ask Oracle for obvious requirements, seems in 30years no-one have ever written down a genereal tecno-functional ERP requirement paper

    This is a must to have

  • Paul Buna
    Paul Buna Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Long overdue oracle! Strongly agree with this change/update.