Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Idea Lab

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BI Publisher Report - Suffixes Template Name and Output File Name - Repeats



  • s  abro
    s abro Rank 1 - Community Starter

    I have been using a workaround, hope this will help someone.

    On the template screen, select list view, then change the layout name to something short and meaningful. In this example the report was a csv extract file, so I name it "File" and then save.

    The report generated/downloaded will follow the same naming convention but at least you will have something meaningful.

  • Manimaran Balaramakrishnan
    Manimaran Balaramakrishnan Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Dynamic filenaming option is much needed

  • German Ponce
    German Ponce Rank 1 - Community Starter

    It is a feature that would make manual work much easier. In my case, we are using reports to generate txt files and import directly as if it were an fbdi, and I would like not to have to change the name each time this process is executed.

  • SivaPrasad N
    SivaPrasad N Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Oracle should provide feature to control this.

  • Muneeb Kibriya
    Muneeb Kibriya Rank 1 - Community Starter

    This is much needed feature requested by user group. Please provide an option to map the export file name by Report+Layout level

  • Romeo Maggini
    Romeo Maggini Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Dynamic filenaming option is much needed also in a not bursting scenario. It's a lot of work change the filename everytime that download is done. Furthermore, it's very useful to have the possibility of build a filename with custom fields such as person number, department, date, business unit, etcetera.. Please, implement this feature

  • Pranavi N
    Pranavi N Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Strongly agree !!!

  • Arun MK
    Arun MK Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Most clients need an ability to append the date and time stamp to the report output name before the file extension. Sometime we would also have to extract the file name from the first line of the datafile. Wish to see these features very soon.

  • Sudha KOVURU
    Sudha KOVURU Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    use Template name as just like "Output" which will avoid duplicate names of report

  • Vibha Pandey - Oracle
    Vibha Pandey - Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Strongly agree!