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How to set default Locale settings in OAC to all users

Received Response
kusuma l -Oracle
kusuma l -Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

We have migrated obi 12c to OAC

In obi 12c the timestamp format is DD/MM/YYYY and the timezone is Kuala Lumpur (GMT+8).

In OAC we have changed the time format settings for 'default user preferred time zone' and 'default time zone for date calculations' to (GMT+8) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.

However, the report's date format is not showing as expected. After changing Locale to 'English-USA' in system settings and in My account locale to 'Default-English-United Kingdom' date format is working like DD/MM/YYYY

but how we can do this globally for all users?

