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Allow users to save their own customization in DV/Workbook



  • Prasad Deshpande
    Prasad Deshpande Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thank you! @Gabby Rubin-Oracle,

    My release is March 2024. I am trying to access service console my setting any getting insufficient privileges'.

    I have verified that I have Oracle analytics admin role in the IDCS cloud service, still not able to access the page -

  • It should be on by default; there is no need to go to the console. Go to your Workbook, go into Present, and see if the option is turned on.

  • Prasad Deshpande
    Prasad Deshpande Rank 5 - Community Champion
    edited May 2024

    Thank you, for responding.

    it does not work for any of delivered dashboards, for a copy of that dashboard - it works when a when a user is having author role, goes into edit mode then goes into present and then goes into present mode and make changes, it saves filter and values but then it impacts to all other users.

    It does not work for any user with FAW consumer role only. pl. find the screen shot below of delivered HCM detailed dashboard - Diversity Analysis. As you can see the reset to orignal button ( 1st button is grayed out..)

  • Yes, an author decides to turn on or off for a specific workbook. It can also be turned off for the entire instance via the console, however, FDI does not provide access to that console setting yet (which means that it is on by default).

  • Prasad Deshpande
    Prasad Deshpande Rank 5 - Community Champion

    what I am saying is default 'on' is not working for consumers, once they search the data by filter, they comeback, filter values are not retained.

  • Default means that the feature is available for the author to enable in their workbooks. Consumers do not have control if the author does not allow it for a given workbook. If you see the feature as an author, it is available in the instance, but it does not impact any specific workbook unless the specific author enabled it. Based on your description above, it is active in the instance, but the particular workbooks you have viewer-only permission for did not enable the feature.

  • Prasad Deshpande
    Prasad Deshpande Rank 5 - Community Champion

    I am sorry to keep bugging on this, but the workbook has the settings on, still it's not working in viewer mode, filters and parameters are not being persisted.

    The highlighted filter below is not persisting with given selection when reopened the workbook

    pl. let me know if this is still not doing correctly, I can raise the SR

  • Sumanth V -Oracle
    Sumanth V -Oracle Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    @Prasad Deshpande - Please provide confirmation on whether the Personalization feature is functioning as expected for custom workbooks or copies of OOTB workbooks saved in custom folders in the catalog. If it is, please note that in FDI, OOTB workbook permissions have more restrictions and cannot be modified by users, unlike in OAC. Thanks.

  • Prasad Deshpande
    Prasad Deshpande Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Sumanth, Gabby,

    I can confirm that personalization is not working in custom workbooks either.


  • Prasad Deshpande
    Prasad Deshpande Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Sumanth, Gabby,

    I can confirm that personalization is not working in custom workbooks either.
