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Semantic Model SMML export as documentation

Accepted answer


We would like to produce an XML or XLS file with the documentation present in our presentation layer of our semantic model.

How can we achieve this please ?




Best Answers


  • Federico Venturin
    Federico Venturin Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Hi @Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken ,

    It's not possible to produce the Repository Documentation directly from the Semantic Modeler. You have to export it as RPD file and use the Admin tool.

  • Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle
    Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist
    edited November 2023

    Hi @Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken ,

    Yes, its not included in the Semantic Modeler , you need to follow the standard process using Admin tool only.



  • @Pravin Janardanam-Oracle - can comment on any public roadmap plans for metadata dictionary.

  • Cindy Owings-Hutchison
    Cindy Owings-Hutchison Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Access to the semantic model presentation layer metadata should be on the roadmap for this product. Users sharing data that is extracted from these tools often want to include the dictionary of descriptions and having it available would ease their burden.

  • Cindy Owings-Hutchison
    Cindy Owings-Hutchison Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Yes! This would be so helpful to those of us who support large organizations and have a lot of models to support. It would also help us keep our data dictionaries up to date or at least related to the data in analytics.

  • @Cindy Owings-Hutchison , while probably not what you look for as you expect (rightfully) the tool to cover the need, the json format of the semantic model is simple enough to easily generate any kind of documentation you need with a simple script. The older MDS XML format had tons of IDs and UIDs and also some FQDN defining relationships between objects, and had a number of extra layers in the code, the new json is a lot more straightforward.