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Explanations about OAC performance metrics

I am looking for some explanations or documentation about the performance metrics displayed for an OAC instance.
Do you have any reference ?
Best Answer
Please use the OCI documentation as a reference:
Thanks for your information.
But I am looking for detailed information about the different options like the Rate, P90, ... statistics.
I would like to estimate if the "Request Capacity" is sufficient with our OCPU configuration.
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In OAC, resource utilization metrics (e.g. OCPU usage) are not available, but there should be a plan to include them in the OCI Console.
You can enable Usage Tracking and then use collected data to monitor metrics over time (e.g. number of queries, number of users, avg execution time, etc.), identify/prevent bottlenecks, and eventually evaluate the impact of a fix such as a new data model or an increase of OCPUs number.
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Thanks a lot Federico.
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In addition, Oracle Analytics has an Idea Lab where you can either up-vote and comment on an existing Idea (enhancement), or you can log a new one, if one does not exist already.
OACS Instance resource monitoring - CPU Memory
oCPU´s consumption of the OAC
This one has a comment from product management, but it is from 2021.
I would encourage your organization to up-vote / comment on these Ideas
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In addition to above comments, you can also check with sales on getting guidance on appropriate shape for your instance based on projected usage.
Since we do not have the CPU/memory consumption metrics, the way to look at existing usage would be to check the query capacity metrics in OCI console. If you are consistently near capacity that's a cue to scale up.
As Federico mentioned usage tracking is a way to check executions of reports/dashboards/workbooks to assess usage however note that dataflow executions are not captured in usage tracking. You need to enable OCI Diagnostic logging for OAC and review OCI logs for data flow executions.