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Parameter in Data Flows

How can we use a parameter in a data flow please ?
Or is there any workarround to achieve the need of using a variable (like a week) in a data flow ?
Best Answers
It's not possible to use parameters in data flows as they are defined at workbook level. As a workaround, you can define a subject area-based dataset to get the value of repository/session variables and then use it as an input in your data flows.
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You could use another dataset that will contains all the parameters you need, and then you join it with your data in the dataflow and by using join conditions you can "filter" your data based on that variable value you have in the parameters dataset.
Hi Federico and Gianni,
I have used a new dataset with the only value that I need (previous week) and join it to one of my existing dataset to filter the data in my data flow.
Thanks to both of you.