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OAC Home Page & Manage Themes

Organization Name
Deloitte / Northwell
There are lot of improvements on OAC Home Page in 105.4 version, I've few more suggestions for Home Page to make it more consistent.
1. There should be single version of Home Page, currently there are two versions (one is OAC Home and other is Classic Home). This creates confusion to the users who are new to OAC.
2. "Create" feature on OAC Home should have option to create "Dashboard" and "Analysis" too. Currently it can be done only through classic home.
3. The Logo/Theme changes (using "Manage Theme") is applicable only to Classic Home Screen, it is not applying to OAC Home screen. This does not give consistent feeling when switching between OAC and Classic (OBI) screens.
4. In "Catalog" option of new OAC Home, "Dashboard" folder is visible but existing dashboard objects are not showing-up under this folder.
Use Case and Business Need
We have a requirement to change the logo on OAC, when we changed logo using "Manage Theme" option. It only reflected to Classic Home and not on OAC Home.
Original Idea Number: 233197ffcc
For us, it is a mandatory requirement for an application to be internally certified, to be able to apply internal branding. Therefore, we see key the capability to customize the upper blue bar in OAC, logo, and captions.
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I also relate to this request. We receive several requests to change the theme in DV.
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Excellent request
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Please let us know if there is any plan to take this request forward.
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Lot of times we show the analytics in Iframe from ERP Cloud. It would be great to have the analytics have the same branding as the ERP Cloud to show how they all have an unified look and feel.
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Cannot agree more.
Also needed to shield final users from UI changes or control them (e.g. "quick search" buttons in DV home page).
Any planned roadmap for this feature?
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As we have internally multiple implementations using OAC, a branding would be really helpful to allow users to easily identify and remember the platform they are using.
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All the items listed here are much needed. Please consider implementing these soon.
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Our previous admin person has left, and as we get our heads around BI admin - these issues are frustrating.
As defined by @Bhavin Khatri - these are just some of the frustrations with a legacy version of the interface everyone is using and the inability to move to the modern version because a lack of functionality !
Yes themes should be configured and consistent (we have 2 company instances and setup basic header color to differentiate - but no - this doesn't display on the DV page.
Access to a smaller subset of actions is also less that ideal
Good to see this is under "Oracle review" - even though it was raised in 2019 and still is an issue
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There are few ideas in this topic. The main one seems to be "a common homepage" which is being planned.