Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Modernise the Analytics dashboard look & feel / user experience

Under Review


  • Folks, I ran across this thread.  Realistically, I don't think we're going to get any updates on classic Answers/Dashboards.  Yes, I know there are LOTS of good reasons for classic dashboards, but I'd like to see if anybody has created a "gap analysis" using classic OBIEE dashboards/Answers vs DV canvases as dashboards.  This is an evolving area, so what needs to happen to DV to make it truly "usable" as a dashboard?  Here, I'll get us started:

    1. Canvas maintenance: (explorer-type interface for administering canvases, moving between projects).

    2. Sub-canvases (we have sub-dashboards in OBIEE, why not sub-canvases?)

    3. Ability to hide canvases (sometimes we develop something and want to hide it, but not lose it).

    4. More control over prompt placement (but see SIGNIFICANT enhancement in version 5.7 with filter views)

    5. Better support for variables - presentation, session, repository.  It's so obtuse how to use these (but see recent video on using variables).

    OK, I'll stop there in case this thread is not being followed anymore.  Reach me at if you want to collaborate.

  • Dan this is a good list. We do review the comments and I hope others in the community chime in on what they would like to see in DV to enable more of the classic scenarios.  

  • Marcelo Finkielsztein
    Marcelo Finkielsztein Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    good ideas

  • User_7CMER
    User_7CMER Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Great ideas.

  • Rystar
    Rystar Rank 1 - Community Starter

    hi all

    any update on this... still looking for ways to get more control of classic dashboard.