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This would be a huge win for audit purposes!
Hi @Mallikarjuna , Thanks - I tried that, but that history table only seems to have 1 record per scheduled run. In this case, the bursting for our report is pushing the output to several different FTP locations - so looking for wherever that detailed information is stored. The run date/time and the server / directory and…
This would be a huge improvement over current processes of trying to build reports in the BIP tool which is very klunky! It would make developers working in this area much more productive.
Thanks for the idea. I just tried putting the full path to the image in the "Alt Text" box as follows: url:{'/erp_a01_d/applmgr/erpdev/fs2/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/media/wesco/wesco_running_man_wide_logo.jpg'} I then uploaded that template and tried again. It still does not pull the image in - just leaves the…
Thanks Rithwik. I don't have a "Web" tab for my image properties. My Excel version is Excel 2013. I've pasted an image in the Excel template as suggested. When I double-click on the image, a "Format Picture" box opens on the right. Under "Size & Properties", under "Alt Text", I've updated Description to the following:…
There does not seem to be anything under $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG. The originally generated concurrent request output is still in $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT - but not renamed like ${SALES_ORDER_NUMBER} as it was in /var/tmp. Also, could not find it in $APPLTMP. I'm thinking that we are not finding anything - XML Publisher is just creating…