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Sorry, I missed to mention the oracle doc ID. I was referring to Doc ID 795846.1. a) Why not? b) What do you mean "if it's not required"? Let say if my total number of connection is 100. Even after an increase OBI user count, if 100 connections are not utilized completely at same time, I don't see a point to increase the…
Hi All, Update received from Oracle Support. NMProcess has pointed me to OPSS - Unable Start Managed Server using Node Manager getting java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Oracle URL specified exception in Admin Server ( Doc ID 2403577.1 ) and collaborated with OPSS team. The team reviewed the warnings, they are just warnings,…
Hi Christian, Don't think that's possible as the person left company. For a person who took this over, only option is to fix the issues and move over. Stopping updates on the thread. Don't have any updates to close thread. Thanks !
Hi Christian, Yes, it is Another person performed the 12C installation and Customization based on the business comment saying '12c should look same as 11g'. Now when I performed the latest upgrade, Email button is coming.
Thanks Christian. I can see the contents in backup file. Do I need to replace its corresponding .atr file as well ? Thanks !
Thanks for the confirmation Christian. Only reason we look for this option is to comply with the license policy.
Hi Joel, Tried that option, but email button is still there.
. You are correct. For any one looking at this thread in future, please find below the list of supported arguments in -I <RPD filename> [-W <RPD password>] [-V enable validation of rpd] -U <cred user> [-P <cred password>] [-SI <service instance>] [-S <host>] [-N <port>] [-SSL] [-TS trustStore jks filename] [-TSP…
Hi Christian, Thanks for the reply. Why do you conform the two if you then want to drop the records? Model has multiple facts and dimensions and some of the dimensions are conformed as per the Business. Model will break if didn't have conformed dimension between F1 & F2. Not sure if i got your question correctly.
We use IE 11.0.9600.19035 with OBIEE and it works fine. Sometimes we receive caching issues with IE. We use below given script to clear the cache. ECHO **** Clearing Internet Explorer cache **** taskkill /F /IM "iexplore.exe">nul 2>&1 set…