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Hello Suyoung, The existing audit catalog, following the Doc ID 2059102.1, is related to BI Publisher only and give you only the following audit features: The following 6 reports are available as sample Reports built using Audit Data: 1. Audit Reports a. Audit Data for Report Execution b. Audit Data for Catalog Object…
Hello If not needed, remove these columns: DocReferencesDropShipDocLineUserKey, DocReferencesDropShipDocSublineUserKey, DocumentReferencesDocLineId, DocumentReferencesDocUserKey. Test if there are still duplicates; Hope this helps Best Regards Gabriel
Dear Jon, Please find an example to add row numbers to custom OTBI reports. Go to OBTI reports Analytics --> New --> Analysis --> select the Subject Area 'Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real Time' (this is an example) Add 'Business Unit Name' column name by double-clicking it. Go to 'Results' and make sure you see…
Hello Silvia, The report job does not run again until it has been resumed. Paused jobs are displayed when searching for Suspended jobs using the filter criteria. More details regarding the Viewing and Managing Report Jobs can be found on the following link…
Hello You may want to check the following Oracle Doc_id OBIEE 12C: uploadRpd Failed: Failure in trying to acquire the lock. Check bi-lcm-logs or diagnostics. Error Desc Code: DESC_CODE_SERVER_EXCEPTION (Doc ID 2219604.1) Hope this helps Thank you Best Regards Gabriel
Hello , Kindly please find more details regarding the conditional formatting https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12212/bip/BIPRD/GUID-04477E49-F671-4BF1-8353-06A7CDEAD2CC.htm#BIPRD2500 format; <?if@row:position() mod 2=0?> <xsl:attribute name="background-color" xdofo:ctx="incontext">lightgray</xsl:attribute><?end if?> For…
Dear Thank you for your feedback and also i'm glad that the issue has been resolved. If one of the answers helped you or answered to your request kindly please mark the answer as Helpful or mark as Correct Answer Regards Gabriel
Hello You can use the https://blogs.oracle.com/xmlpublisher/entry/groovy_date_functions <?xdoxslt:ora_format_date_offset('2009-06-03',position(), '+')?> , as per blog example Regards Gabriel
Hello Srini, First of all you need to check if the report that you intent to schedule have a valid resuts. Secondly you need to check if the export si no bigger than the Email limitation where you deliver.Ofthen there is set a limitation on the email attachament. Also can you check if the report s working without…
Hello Abinah Can you please update how you use the command line so we can have a look on formatiing ? Regards Gabriel