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This is not a consistent issue. Today I was able to create a dataset in under a minute that took a very long time last week. It seems to vary a different times during the day and in prod or non prod. It's inconsistent.
That's great. I will check it out. Thanks, everyone.
Are the Web Services supported in OAC in the cloud?
I was afraid you were going to say that. I don't currently have that available. It's a client install and I don't have admin rights on my laptop so I need the company to create a software package that can be pushed to me. That is a long drawn out process. And it never ends because we have to upgrade regularly. Anyway, not…
Adam, We figured out how to get this to work. It's complicated for us because we have to go through the public LB, which is in a public Subnet. The LB DNS alias is configured using the public IP address. But OAC, which is in a private subnet, cannot reach the public LB via the public IP. We can't change the networking or…
It is a cert issue. But it's kind of complicated. We have OAC and Essbase deployed in private subnets in our VCN. Our internal certs are self-signed. OAC can't connect to the load balancer in the private subnet because of that. So, we have to connect via the public load balancer in place for EPRCS connections. But OAC…
So with the 6.4 update, when you hover over About Oracle Analytics you see that it's version 6.4. Now with the latest update, when you hover over it says March 2022 Update. The email notification said the update is the March 2022 (6.5) Update. Why doesn't the hover info include the version number?
That's what we've been trying but we get a connection error. Failed to save the connection. Invalid connection details were supplied. Please enter the correct details and try again. We're going to the load balancer url.
Thanks. I upvoted your idea.
I posted an idea about this a long time ago. We're just told it's on the roadmap. I was recently told it would be available in 6.4. Not there, yet. I don't understand why this isn't just standard functionality.