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Thank you Mike, really appreciate sharing your experience with us, will give it a try.
After talking to @Christian Berg-Oracle @Christian Berg-0racle offline, and finding the answer to my above question, we thought we should update this thread. Key points of a) the recipient list request and the payload request can be completely disconnected (even in terms of source, Subject Area, etc) b) The list just needs…
No you are right, I was looking for this to be applied BI Answers, but I thought I would give it a try also in DV, that is all. Thank you Gianni for your help as always. Joe
Thank @Gianni Ceresa I created the below formula in a column and worked in OBIEE answers but not in DV, in DV the same value kept repeating, the first value of the 4 EVALUATE_AGGR('LISTAGG(%1,%2) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY %3 DESC)',PRODUCT)
Thanks @Gianni Ceresa It seems the only way as you said by writing the logice of Analysis 1 in the formula of a column in the analysis 2 but still going through challenges, can I give you another scenario which is more close to what I am trying to do. I have an analysis, made of booked orders in current quarter. Some of…
Thanks @Gianni Ceresa Image on top is how it is today, trying to have it as the image underneath
Thank you Gianni as always.
Thank you Gianni Just to make sure, Create a presentation variable Create a column with a formula like this TOPN("Fact - SSS"."Amount (USD)", @{top_customers}{10}) , called the column Top X And that is it? no filters, right?
Thanks Gianni for taking the time, I personally dont have access to the RPD.
Thank you Christian, really appreciate it.