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@Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle Hi Bret, just one comment to your statement: "we are evaluating how to support it, but it is not clear when we can enable it". What about engaging into this process some experienced people from community ( @Gianni Ceresa , @Christian Berg-Oracle ….) ? This could help you to better…
Guys, I am really surprised that referencing repository/session variables in filter condition in role-based filters in data sets is possible - I have tried it on our OAS environment and it didn't work (only referencing USER function). And that was the reason why I have created following Idea: Question is, whether this is…
Upvoted. Very good idea. None of the current visualizations in DV have enough flexibility as narrative view in Classics: - Text Box allows you to refer variable value, but not columns from data set/subject area - List allows you to refer columns (even calculated columns), but that's all, limited flexibility We are…
@VijayDC .I will point you to old, but very good and still perfectly valid blog from Kurt Wolff : This blog describes how to implement row wise session variables and how to use them in security filters in RPD. So follow this blog and you will be a “master of row level security”.
@Avinash Krishnaram-Oracle Apologize, I was not reading carefully, so I missed your mention of a bug… Thanks.
@Avinash Krishnaram-Oracle Thanks for you reply. But this sounds quite strange: Annotation is part of particular visualization and thus it would be quite natural, if annotations would be also included into export for single visualization, having annotation configured.
Hi Luis, to change the system wide default for setting Data Access on data set tables would help us a lot. To your question: As far as I am aware (and since I am the person in charge of setting rules/guidance on our OAS environment for our DV authors from business departments, it should correspond to reality): We don’t use…
Hi @Madeleine Groeger-Wilson-Oracle , just one question (before today's launch Zoom session): I have registered our "team" to Data Viz Challenge using my business email address (as per Data Viz Challenge rules document, I am "Entry Spokesperson") and I would like to know, how it will be with access for other team members…
Apparently you have wrong assignment of variables in Init Block IB_Authorization with respect of SQL for this Init Block. Your SQL returns following columns: USER_NAME. COUNNTRYNAME. LOB but you are assigning it to following variables (you have just 2 assigned as per screenshot): Country_Name Lob So value of colum…
We are "fighting" with same situation as well on our OAS environment (OAS SSO integrated with Oracle Access Manager , Apache HTTTP server in front of OAS) with DV Embedding for pretty long time. We have for almost 3 years (!!!!!) SR open with Oracle support (on this topic) so far without any resolution….. Currently CEAL…
Hi @Subhakara Netala-Oracle , just one adding to @Sumanth V -Oracle and @Christian Berg-0racle : After extracting complete catalog from BAR file, you can open it using Catalog Manager GUI (you need to use version of client sw, which still have it) , then create archive for particular folder (File → Archive) of catalog and…
@Alan Lee - Oracle-Oracle Is also support for Oracle Linux 9 planned for OAS 2025 ? Thanks.
@Rakesh Joshi-Oracle I understand you requirement (we are "fighting" with this limitation as well), but sorry to say, this is more limitation of Oracle DB , since it does not support nested CTE queries (queries with multiple WITH clauses). BI Server (when generating physical SQL queries passing it to DB) always "wraps"…
HI @Kartik Mali-Oracle Area of "usage" reporting, lineage/dependency reporting etc.. is completely unresolved and neglected in product OAS (and OAC as well). I am pointing to this fact for pretty long time, so far without much success. For example having REST API in place, which will allow you to get DV object definitions,…
@Kartik Mali-Oracle Your requirement is a quite nonsense, I guess. Tables in schema BIPLATFORM are not documented (not exposed for public usage) and are used internally by product to store all metadata (including definitions of DV objects). So if you are using it for your internal "reporting" , it is on your own risk and…
You need to read carefully documentation: Here you find detailed explanation of structure of s_Custom folder along with example of modification/customization.
@Karthi_obiee Check s_Custom folder, this folder contains artifacts from skyros style for customization.
@Karthi_obiee Just one supplement to @Sumanth V -Oracle answer (pointing you to OAS documentation). Prefabricated ear template (ORACLE_HOME/bi/bifoundation/jee/bicustom-template.ear) contains template for "obsolete" style skyros - if you want to build your custom style/skin on more up to date style/skin, you need to copy…
@Branden Pavol Hi Branden - our experience is that initial loading of DV workbook takes substantial amount of time, which dramatically degrades the user experience. See following Idea: which deals with this topic. So instead of having some "lite" version (btw you can disable quite a lot of interactivity in workbook for…
@Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken Jean-Pierre, as I learned recently (since we have encountered exactly same behavior with data sets, created out of Connection, having System flag) during a call with @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle , system connections are exclusively intended for usage in Semantic Modeler (Connection…