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Hello @User_3512R Please see the following doc - FAW:FDI:FDIP: FDI Session Time Out Setting Not Working As Expected (Doc ID 3055526.1)
Hello @MandeepGupta You might want to bring this up in the Fusion Apps forum https://community.oracle.com/products/oracleanalytics/categories/fusion-analytics
@Emil Dragan Are you on OAC-BIP or OAS?
The logs says Installation Completed Successfully. End of Install.
When you click on view log what do you see? I believe this already completed successfully.
Look at this doc - OBIEE 12c: How to Perform Silent Installation? (Doc ID 2267490.1)
Have you try a silent install?
Hello @User_90781 I am not sure what version of BIP are you on but please see the below doc. Maybe this will help. Excel Outp Date Format Display Does Not Pick Up Formatting From RTF Template (Doc ID 2089844.1)
Hello @Ryan F Abendroth Please see document for BI Publisher Certification with Microsoft Office 2010 Is the BI Publisher Desktop Plugin Builder for Microsoft Word Certified for MS Office 2010? (Doc ID 1274081.1)
Hello @Dhaval Parikh Stantec Click on the Navigator > Data > Dataset You can assign permission to your dataset, assuming they are present.