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Thanks for response. In BI I have something like: But it still not work.
1) Oracle Business Intelligence 2) Yes, at now I see two time dimension for notification date and close date 3) Unfortunately I don't create this model but I must use it. It is looks like: FACT ---> PRODUCT and PRODUCT dim has join to NOTIFICATION DATE and CLOSE DATE (in physical layer and in business) ---- I…
Can anyone help or suggest some approach to solve my problem? I have dimension in rpd like: product1 || open || 2018.10.23 15:23:00 || 1 product1 || prepared || 2018.10.23 18:00:00 || 2 product1 || issued || 2018.10.23 23:00:00 || 3 product1 || close || 2018.10.26 00:00:00 || 4 But now I don't know how to see only last…
Hi, Robert has right about my question. I select driver: Oracle BI Server or Oracle BI Server-OBI12Client. Next I want to click Finish - I should see new windows with properties (host, login, pass, port etc.) - BUT when I click finish all window disapear and I can't set properties. I check others driver (like: Oracle in…
I have requirement about running OBI in Windows Server as 'service mode' and I want read about it, the advantages and disadvantages. I still learn about install OBI and for me is something new. Can you share some documentation about it?
Unfortunetaly, data is correct and the visualization is correct - we have one unexpected value for one branch and thats the problem. I can uncheck this branch in filter but it is wrong option. I am thinking about ZOOM graph in percent...
Yes, I am asking for sum of last 3 MAX values. My mistake.
Ok, I have MEASURE_1 with MAX aggregation and when I'm using PERIODROLLING like: PERDIOROLLING(MEASURE_1, -2,0) in results i see MAX VALUE from 3last months. I must set max in rpd but on analysis I want to sum last 3months
Thanks for response. I did this task by creating complex SQL query (view) and implementing Direct Database Request.
I knowo who to use pivot table, I only thought that you know some secret solution with pivot.
I try use this script but nothing change. I try in mozilla and google chrome. Use pivot table?
I don't see any option for this. I'm searching for table and pivot for table proeprties and sections properties and nothing. I know that I can create slider or use prompt, but how to set horizontally these tables..
Do you try use Catalog Manager / Tools / Create Report?
Yes, I agree with you. I found my exe file. But on home page no link is working and it's interesting why.
I find some exe file in: ../OracleBI1/clients/server/biee_client_install.exe But do you know where can I find this path: /bicontent/staticfiles/biee/clients/biserver/?
When I click on home page I get 'The requested URL /bicontent/staticfiles/biee/clients/biserver/biee_client_install.exe was not found.' Now I'm searching file: biee_client_install.exe on server I think that our administrators change something.
Or maybe can you give path to this file on server?
Yes, I know. But when I click on this link we don't have it on server. I know that is good version of Administration Tool and I need find it and download.
I created first idea. First Logical Table is a fact with only aggregare columns from two source (Fact1/Fact2) Second Logical Table is a dimension with attributes from one source (Fact1) I connect this two tables in BMM. In first table set logical levels: Fact1 - Details, Fact2 - Total And for column Shipping I set level on…
It's only a question from my PM for one of the projects because they want see only first free arrows and for me is interesting. If it is not possible, ok.