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Discussion List
Can I use a range of Periods in a groovy script that pass parameters to Data MapsSummary: I need to use a range of Periods in a groovy script that pass parameters to Data Maps Content (required): I wrote the following groovy script to pass parameters…
Cloning EPM Cloud EnvironmentsSummary Cloning EPM Cloud Environments from Dev to Test / Test to UAT UAT to Prod and vice versaContent Hello Experts, EPM Cloud documentation suggests that "Cloning of …
Data Export Header FormattingSummary: When running a data export in PBCS the file headers give you 12 amount columns, one for each period, and no period column. Is it possible to have 1 column for p…
What's New in 21.08?Summary More cool things plus some favorites of mine!Content Well, here we are again and I'm back on my normal release date as 21.08 is set to hit your test environments…
Right click to a form with level0 members of the chosen parentSummary: I want to create a high level review form where user can right click on the selected cost centre parent and go to a form that only shows the bottom level cost c…
When we perform Writeback to Budgetary Control Cube, how to clear the data before we load?Summary: Is there any way to clear budgetary control cube data before performing write back from the Planning Content (Business Use Case): We are pushing our approved bu…
Unable to add blank row in the form layout for one specific form onlyHi Experts, We have a cashflow form created in the application and the user needs us to add blank rows after each of these accounts: - Net cash provided by operating act…
Data Management Metadata Aggregation PropertiesSummary: What is the correct map for metadata build aggregation property "Not used for Cube" Content (required): Using data management for dimension metadata updates. Wh…
How can we modify the start month of a hiring requisition?Summary How can we modify the start month of a hiring requisition?Content A very common use case for our FP&A team is to postpone the start month of requisitions, entere…
PBCS: Supporting details no longer display for some formsSummary: Content (required): HI all Have any of you experienced under this month release the fact that some forms no longer display Supporting details? This was working …
New Video Series on Connected PlanningWe are pleased to announce the availability of the following new Video Series on Connected Planning. This overview video series shows you connected planning. You will se…
Cannot "Export In Query Ready Mode" from Oracle reportSummary: Cannot "Export In Query Ready Mode" from Oracle report Content (required): User is not able to export FR reports to SmartView through Export In Query Ready Mode…
Assigning a variable to a text member using EPBCS groovyContent (required): Hi guys! I am facing a small issue in assigning a variable which contains text using groovy. I have an array named "Teachers" which contains staff na…
User Preferences - "None" Alias SettingGood Morning, Everyone - Can someone help me understand why there is not a "None" option for Alias Setting under User Preferences in PBCS? These settings affect how Smar…
Subvar Update push to EssbaseSummary: When subvar is updated it does not update the essbase at the backend. And to get it to work right first from the point the point of update, you either need to d…
SmartView Ad-Hoc Grid does not appear when clicking ad-hoc analysis on a cubeSummary: Ad-hoc grid does not generate when clicking ad-hoc analysis on a cube, when trying existing files the user cannot move around the file at all. Content (required…
Planning\PBCS Reports: Keeps resetting to non-allowed POV member?Hi, A report I have in Planning\PBCS keeps resetting with "Entity_NA" as the POV member for Entity. "Entity_NA" is not selected as an allowed member, only "Total Entity"…
Admin Extension in Smart View does not recognize aliasesSummary: Admin Extension in Smart View does not recognize aliases Content (required): When editing a dimension using Admin Extension in Smart View, we were able to paste…
Max members in a dimension ?Summary: Hi dear colleagues. I was wondering about default dimension governor limits. I know that the Version dimension can get up ot 75 members. But what about other di…
Flex form vs ad hoc analysis (grid)Summary: Hi All, I'm trying to figure out the added value of flex forms. I fail to see what can be achieved more with a flex form in comparison to a regular ad hoc analy…
Scalled reporting currencySummary: Hi All, Recently we migrated data from FCCS to EPBCS on EUR_Reporting currency. However, in it's reports and forms, the customer would like to have the possibil…
Using Multiple Monthly calendar in a EPBCS applicationSummary: How to make use of multiple calendar in a EPBCS Application Content (required): Hello All, We would like to know is it possible to make use of multiple calendar…
Program creation in EPBCS Project Module and then cascade it to PPM along with Project AssignmentsSummary: Looking for process regarding creation of Programs in EPM first and then flow it to PPM once approved in EPM. Content (required): We have a requirement where cl…
New Groovy Training AvailableSummary 9 New Oracle By Example (OBE) TutorialsContent We are pleased to announce the availability of the following new Oracle By Example (OBE) tutorials for Oracle Ente…
How do I get Cell Level Security to allow an Entity to see other Entity's booking on its ICP?Summary: Works for 1, but assigning a user to 2 security groups denies everything in the cross section. :) Content (required): ENT_A should have read access to All Entit…
Text Data Type Index to Text MapSummary: Need to be able to map the text index to the text for Accounts with Text Data Type Content (required): We are extracting data from ASO cubes via Data Management…
Report - Unable to communicate with the datasourceSummary: 2 ( / 5 on application) databases are not available for report Content (required): Hello, On Thurday September 1st, I have created a report in my test environne…
Smartview Not Loading - No Trusted Publisher CertificateSummary: We're having multiple issues with SmartView not loading and it appears it's because Oracle isn't registered as a Trusted Publisher Content (required): We're hav…
Groovy how to get member combinations from DataGridSummary: Content (required): Dears, I am looking for a way to get member combinations from a Datagrid, for instance: builderUnit.addRow(['Unit', 'Account'], [['Lvl0Desce…
Delete file REST API - GroovySummary: Has anyone successfully used the Delete Files (v2) API in a groovy business rule? Content (required): I am able to make the API call from Postman. However I kee…