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Discussion List
when created negative fixed asset book value, can we set approval notificationwhen created negative fixed asset book value, is there a way to prompt a notification or approval
Table Names which capture Fixed Assets Preparer Name and Approver NameSummary: We have a request from sox audit to display fixed asset preparer name and Approver name in one of our reports. We use the FBDI approach to upload the assets, FB…
Is there any way we can include Approval for Asset TransferSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Reference Documents for Assets Approval RulesSummary: As per update of 24A we can create approval workflows for fixed assets. If anyone has created the approval workflows for FA then please share any documents you …
Approval rules spreadsheet for asset approvalsSummary: Unable to submit the Assets workflow template - keep getting this error message. Was anyone able to successfully upload asset rules? Version 24A Content (please…
Is there a functionality wherein I can split fixed asset already added to the FA?Summary Is there a functionality wherein I can split fixed asset already added to the FA?Content Hi Experts, Is there a functionality wherein I can split fixed asset alr…
Change in business unit in leases fixed assets moduleSummary: Hi, We have a requirement wherein there is a scenario of change in business unit post lease creation. For ex: Lease created with tenure of 36 months, post 24 mo…
Which location is defualted to Fixed assets location from procurementWhich location is defualted to Fixed assets location from procurement when asset is created at Invoice level or at receipt level
Rationale behind not allowing asset retirement by NBVCurrently on the retirement page, user can retire only based on the asset cost and not the asset NBV. My client has a legacy system that allows them to retire by the NBV…
What is the Relevance of Column " Earlier Life in Months" In fixed asset FBDI Template.Summary: We Populated the Asset life in " Earlier Life in Months" Column but the Oracle system does not pick this life for calculating the Depreciation, instead the syst…
Unable to include Non recoverable tax in Mass AdditionsSummary: User run the Mass Addition Process but Fixed Assets Module the Non-Recoverable tax amount is appearing separately from the Asset Cost We want the Non- recoverab…
How does monthly prorate calendar works with daily prorate convention?Summary: We have allocated monthly prorate calendar in asset book and while adding Assets using daily prorate convention. We noticed that system does not prorate depreci…
Japan STL depreciation methodHi Team, I have a requirement for Japan company that calculate asset depreciation following below sample, is there any way we can setup a new depreciation method to achi…
Possible? - Transfer Receipts to Mass Additions for global procurement scenarioSummary: In case of a global procurement scenario, is it possible to transfer receipts to mass additions? Kindly respond based on the below scenario and the new feature …
Change Employee fields to free text on Transfer Assets - Assignment DetailsCurrently Employee fields on Transfer Assets - Assignment Details are LOV values where users have to select employees from the drop down list. We have a requirement to c…
How to add Asset Through Receipt Not at InvoiceSummary: We are Accrue at Receipt, and the Business User needs to Create Assets in Fixed Asset Book Once Receive the PO without needing to Create the Invoice
Corporate Book attached to Primary Ledger and that ledger is having Reporting LedgerSummary: Corporate Book attached to Primary Ledger and that ledger is having Reporting Ledger so when we add asset in corp book at which date rate it will convert amount…
NBV Based RetirementSummary: Hello Members, Any help on the following is much appreciated. In Oracle FA, the maximum retirement that the user can post is that of the current cost. This curr…
asset by locationSummary: Fixed Asset report with financial and location details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For State/Corporate Income Tax reporting r…
Future Dated ImpairmentsSummary: Hello, We have a business requirement to incrementally add assets to CGUs for some asset categories in periods later than when the CGU was first impaired. Unfor…
Lease Reassessment ErrorHi we are getting Lease Reassessment Error as following (The lease XXXXXX can't have more than one periodic lease payment within the lease period start date XXXX-XX-XX a…
How to handle tax depreciationHi! There is a Hong Kong specific requirement on tax depreciation where the client can claim allowance on certain assets. More details to the requirement as attached in …
Account is not Triggering from SLA ExecutionSummary: On Asset Addition, the Debit (Cost line) is incorrectly capturing the Value despite having the same Accounting rule for Credit and Debit Accounting line. Since …
How to Derive Depreciation Expense CC and Base segments from CategorySummary: How to Derive Depreciation Expense CC and Base segments from Category Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am aware about the ORA_FA…
Tag Number and Manufacturer to be mandatory in "Add Assets in Spreadsheet"Summary: Hi, We have marked the Tag number and manufacturer fields in the "Asset addition" UI to be mandatory. its working as expected . But in the "Add Asset in spreads…
Fixed Assets: Partial Retirement Not Occurring through APISummary: Fixed Assets: Partial Retirement Not Occurring through API Problem Description --------------------------------------------------- Hi Team we are facing error a…
Guide computation for the lease schedule when there is changes in financial terms.Hi is there a guide computation or example scenario for the lease schedule when there is changes in financial terms. How the opening liability of the new schedule is com…
Manage Physical Inventory not updating dateSummary: I am trying to update physical inventory dates in FA. I made sure the prerequisites were done and both Allow physical inventory and In physical inventory boxes …
Standard Reports of Fixed assets as per indian income tax actSummary: Do we have any standard schedule reports as per indian income tax act in Fixed assets Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (in…
Need a SQL query to fetch CIP asset and Capitalized assets separatelyHi All, We need a sql query to fetch details of CIP assets columns are Asset number, asset type, period name, asset id, cost Capitalized asset columns Asset number, asse…