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Discussion List
Does anyone have an example of the Property Tax Report?Summary: I'm trying to find an example of the Property Tax Report that is available within Assets as standard. Content (required): The Property Tax Report is listed in t…
Recommended depreciation method (year1= 40%, year2 = 15%, year3 = 15%, etc)Summary: What is the recommended depreciation method for the following schedule (year1 = 40%, year2 = 15%, year3 = 15%, year4 = 15%, year5 = 15%)? Content (required): Re…
How do I run this Implementation Project to create a line in Manage Asset Categories?Summary: I implemented the “Asset Category and Book” template from Doc ID 2049651.1, and it created an Implementation Project, but the status is “Not started”. How do I …
Bonus Depreciation functionality for Group AssetsSummary: Is Bonus depreciation functionality available for Group Assets in Canada I read some documentation that mentions that bonus depreciation is not yet supported fo…
Periodic Mass Copy Not Populating Period for Corporate BookSummary: Does Initial Mass copy have to be run every month? Content (required): This is our second month of having tax books set up. We started them in August, ran initi…
Best Practice for Funds Checking for Assets accountsSummary: Content (required): We will be using budgetary control against GL control budgets, for both expense natural accounts as well as fixed assets natural accounts fo…
Asset Tagging optionsSummary: Hello, what are people doing with regard to Asset tagging? We are currently manually adding asset tag numbers from the invoice as the tool that was used pre-Ora…
Asset Report for All BooksSummary: Asset Report for All Books Content (required): Is it possible to: create a analysis/data model that will pull asset listing for all Corporate Book? Asset Cost S…
How table name show me the Accounts and Rules on Manage Asset Categories tasks?Summary: How table name show me the Accounts and Rules associated with each Asset Categories created on Manage Asset Categories tasks. I found the category table (FA_CAT…
Asset Category Depreciate Flag set to NoSummary: Dear Experts , We have an asset added to category where depreciate flag is set to No, Asset was added in July and in September we have changed the asset categor…
Depreciation rounding logicSummary: I am looking to understand how depreciation rounding works and if there is a way to setup a specific number of decimals Content (required): We noticed a slight …
Does periodic mass copy to tax books copy transfers to different locations?Summary: Does mass copy include asset transfers? Content (required): We have closed an office, and transferred all assets to a different location/assignment. Will this t…
NBV Retired gain/loss Account type Revenue or Expense ?Summary: NBV Retired Gain n loss account whats recommended should be Revenue or Expenses? i understand it should be P&L but revenue or expense ? Content (required): asse…
Revalued assetsSummary: How to identify revalued assets ? Content (required): Is there any field that allow to identify if an asset has already been revalued ? Version (include the ver…
Has Anyone used SOAP Webservice Financials - Fixes AssetsSummary I'm after a sample Payload for SOAP Webservice Financials - Fixes AssetsContent Hi all, I know that this link refers to SOAP Web Services for Oracle Financials C…
Unable to find Business Unit in Lov of Leases in Lease AccountingSummary Unable to find Business Unit in Lov of Leases in Lease AccountingContent We are trying to implement Lease Accounting Module. After enabling offering, module for …
Setup a new table depreciation method that's not workingSummary: Setup a new table depreciation method (attached) that should use 40% year 1 period 7 through year 2 period 6 and then 15% after that. It's not working. Content …
Accounting flow for fixed asset creation from procurementSummary: Detailed accounting flow for FA creation using PO and Payables Content (required): My client has the following scenario There is no inventory module implemented…
Can we do initial mass copy to Tax book in the second month after conversion?Summary: Can we do initial mass copy to Tax book in the second month after conversion without copying to tax book in the first month and closing the first tax book perio…
Automatically import project information to assetOur Asset Management team currently imports assets that are created through the standard PO process and may be funded by a project or through many projects. They also im…
How Do you record multiple serial numbers for one invoice in Fixed AssetsSummary: We have invoices for 100 computers that is listed as 1 invoice line for the price of the computer x the quantity. Each computer has a serial number that IT woul…
Can you post an Impairment backdated to a close period? Ex. today is 8/31/22 & want to post 3/15/22?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Depreciation Calendar for assets where the depreciation will be calculated by days for first and lasSummary We have a requirement from the client specific for France Asset book.Content We have a requirement from the client for France statutory Asset book , where the de…
Depreciation Expense is appearing zero in Asset Cost and Reserve report for Tax Asset BookSummary: We ran depreciation for the current period and then submitted Asset Cost & Reserve Report ESS job for the previous closed period. The report generated is showin…
Lease accounting in Asset ModuleSummary: Is it possible to adjust leases after generating the invoices? Content (required): User generated the invoice for the current month lease payment but it should …
It posible select the depreciation date?Summary: For example. We have an asset that we are going to put into service in January 2021. and will begin to depreciate in April 2022. it is necessary not to calculat…
you can't enter amortized adjustments for this bookSummary: Content (required): Hi, i created the assets and uploaded them to the system correctly. When I then try to post them, the assets will go into "Exceptions", with…
gain or loss amount for retirementSummary: Content (required): is it possible to view the gain or loss amount before posting? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 22b Code Snippet …
rest API for asset update - Depreciation Expense accountSummary: Is there a rest API for updating Depreciation Expense account? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add…
Calendar Period Not Available In Current Period List Of Values (LOV) When Creating New Asset BookCalendar Period Not Available In Current Period List Of Values (LOV) When Creating New Asset Book Hi I am trying to create an Asset Book, however I am unable to find any…