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Discussion List
Enhancement: Journal Entry Reserve Ledger reportSummary Need a Journal Entry Reserve Ledger report with the columns belowContent Column Name Navigation/Description Field 1 Expense Account Inquire Asset -> Assignment -…
Asset BooksContent Hi all, I've got a question related to the usage of tax books. So usually, tax books are setup in case local legislation prescribes that assets should be depreci…
asset clearning accountSummary asset clearning accountContent Hi, We would like to use same asset clearing account for all asset category. For both capitalized and expense asset purchase we wa…
Depreciate Assets by ProjectsSummary Depreciate Assets by ProjectsContent Has anyone in this forum figured about a functionality or business process in Fusion Assets to depreciate assets by a projec…
Asset Leases from P2P InvoicesSummary Major and Minor asset categories for leases on the invoices that comes over from P2PContent Hello, We are trying to configure Asset Leases. I used https://docs.o…
Asset Conversions with conversion ratesSummary Trying to convert legacy conversions in summary amounts (acquisition, depreciation, A/D). What conversion rate to use (user) and by asset?Content The FA conversi…
Loading Fixed Assets into Multiple Asset BooksSummary Loading Fixed Assets into Multiple Asset BooksContent Hi... We are currently implementing Fusion Financials and migrating our Fixed Assets to Fusion. We have mul…
Integration between Projects and Fixed AssetsSummary Project number in the Asset ModuleContent Hi All, I've got a question on Capitalized Assets: Is the project number from which the CIP/capitalized asset is built …
Excel hangs when attempting to open the FBDI template for FixedAssetMassAdditionsSummary Excel hangs when attempting to open the FBDI template for FixedAssetMassAdditionsContent Excel hangs when attempting to open the FBDI template for FixedAssetMass…
Asset retirement reportSummary Add multiple columns to the standard Asset Retirement ReportContent If the fields below can be added the Asset Retirement report will be more useful. Source Peri…
Updating Asset TAG NumbersSummary Mass Update of Asset TAG NumbersContent Hi All, For Oracle Assets Cloud Release 19, We need to update each record in the assets module (more than 20K assets ) wi…
GAAP vs. Tax Fixed Assets with different valuesSummary Looking for advice on loading GAAP and Tax assets with different values at onceContent Hello, We are currently implementing Fusion Financials and migrating our F…
Asset Leases - Payment TypesSummary On Lease Recurring Payments, can there be overlapping 'Other Payments'?Content On Lease Recurring Payments, can there be overlapping 'Other Payments' for the sam…
logic of data populate in FA_BALANCES_REP_GT tableSummary What is the logic to populate FA_BALANCES_REP_GT table as this is populated by FA_FASCOSTD_XMLP_PKGContent What is the logic to populate FA_BALANCES_REP_GT table…
Automatic Generate Asset NumberSummary Automatic Generate Asset NumberContent For generation of asset number, is it single sequence number shared among whole instance? I have doubt on this. Please sha…
Status of an AssetSummary It appears that Oracle Cloud Fixed Assets does not have a field that is dynamically updated with the Status of an asset (Retired, Suspended, Active,...)Content I…
In case there are different cost centres for different fixed assets, is a separate category requiredSummary In case there are different cost centres for different fixed assets, is a separate category required for each asset ?Content Hello Community, In case there are d…
Defaulting chart of account segment for asset depreciationContent When an asset is created, the Fund Class segment of our chart of accounts is defaulted as a balancing segment. However, when depreciation occurs, the system is n…
During the batch run for depreciation, will an error in a single asset impact the posting of the entSummary During the batch run for depreciation, will an error in a single asset impact the posting of the entire batch ?Content Hello Community, During the batch run for …
Cap.Summary .Content . Version R13
How Maxican Assets Inflation Adjustment is expected to be taken care in ERP Cloud ?Summary Mexican Localization Assets Inflation AdjustmentContent Good People, I could not find any documentation for Mexican Localization to handle Assets Inflation Adjus…
Fixed asset impact for cost center and Profit centerSummary Fixed asset impact for cost center and Profit centerContent Hi, If cost centre is a segment and profit centres are also included in the cost centers as list of v…User_2025-02-04-13-13-10-537 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-13-13-10-537
Asset Clearing accounts best practicesSummary Asset Clearing accounts best practicesContent Hello: Do you know what are the best practices regarding the Asset Clearing Accounts ? How many Clearing Accounts d…
We are not able to see Asset Category fields Major and Minor in Fusion AssetsSummary We are not able to see Asset Category fields Major and Minor in Fusion Assets.Content Hi, When we define the asset category from the manage asset categories tab,…
Want additional project fields in Asset Descriptive DetailsContent On Fixed Assets - Asset Inquiry screen, user can go through task menu to select "Update Descriptive Details." From that page, they can search for and update info…
How to create new Asset Major & Minor CategoriesSummary New Major & Minor Categories Needed for Leased AssetsContent With the new Leased Asset support, we would like to create some new Asset Major and Minor categories…User_2025-01-25-06-00-22-809 511 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-02-37-02-772
Fixed asset stocktake software integrated with OracleSummary Fixed asset stocktake software integrated with OracleContent Can anyone provide recommendations for fixed asset stocktake software integrated with Oracle. Not a …
ADFDI Add-in becomes disabledSummary Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-In for Excel gets disabledContent Has anyone experienced users having their ADFDI Add-in being disabled when using Office …
Hire purchase in Oracle FusionSummary Hire purchase in Oracle FusionContent Hi, How do we capture the Hire purchases in Oracle FA module. The requirement is Business is having Hire purchases scheme a…
Is anyone on R13 using Asset Leases?Summary We are looking for an asset leasing toolContent I have seen an R13 Demo of the Asset Leasing functionality online that is coming in R13, but we are not upgrading…