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Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Discussion List
Positive Pay -- Alternate Name to be populated if exists else supplier nameSummary Positive Pay -- Alternate Name to be populated if exists else supplier nameContent We are populating supplier "Alternate name" on the checks if it exists and if …
Chinese Characters - Bank FileSummary Chinese Characters - Bank FileContent We have a requirement to capture chinese characters for payments. The AP user would copy/paste these Chinese characters int…
Initiate Invoice Approval WorkflowSummary Initiate Workflow Approval Iteration ContinueContent Hi, I find below 2 flags in the log of 'Initiate Invoice Approval Workflow' program. What does these flags m…
BACS or Electronic Payment ProcessSummary How does Oracle handle BACS or electronic Payment failures and VoidsContent Hi, I would like to know if there is a documentation or a white paper on Oracle cloud…Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro 127 views 4 comments 4 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro
Supplier Balance Aging Report pulling data from the wrong dateContent Supplier Balance Aging Report was ran for the date September 29, 2019 but, the output of the report shows data for September 28. 2019. We also tried to run the s…
Position based hierarchy invoice approvalSummary Position based hierarchy invoice approval - Which ruleset to be usedContent Hi, The requirement is to setup Position based hierarchy approvals for invoice. This …
PO Invoice approvals from RequestersSummary is InvoiceDistribution.requesterName availableContent Hi, We have a use case where Requester needs to approve a PO invoice. For PO invoices, we do not populate t…
Issue with Invoice ApprovalSummary Invoice not captured by Initiate Invoice Approval WorkflowContent Hi, We found a validated invoice which is not captured by the Initiate Invoice Approval Workflo…
Supplier payment by Sites - Credit note remainingSummary Supplier with multiple sites with same address some sites have credit notes other invoices - payment is not grouped for all sitesContent Hello, We have cases whe…
Moved: Issue with open authorization created through webserviceThis discussion has been moved.
Can restrict to view cash balances by ledger or Ledger Set?Summary Can restrict to view cash balances by ledger or Ledger Set?Content how can restrict user to View cash Balances by Ledger/. Default it is showing cash balance of …
Workflow error BPEL_TASK_30082Summary Non PO invoices error in workflow with BPEL_TASK_30082Content Hi, I configured simple workflow rules. They work well for PO invoices. However, Non PO invoices fa…
Payables invoices from different BU consolidated to 1 currencySummary Report to consolidate payables invoices from diff BU with different ledger curr to 1 currencyContent Write report for AP Invoices from different BUWe have many b…
Invoice Image Processing For PO & Non PO Based InvoicesSummary Looking for Available Options In Oracle to Scan Invoices (PO & Non-PO Based)Content Hi Team, We are looking for best industry practices and available options in …
DFF to be included in Invoice Approval NotificationsSummary DFF to be included in Invoice Approval NotificationsContent Hi All, For our client who is Implementing fusion financials, We have configured the Invoice header D…
Best attributes to use for credit and debit memo approvalsSummary Approval Attributes to use for negative invoice approvalsContent Hi, We have PO, non PO, credit memos approvals. The rules are getting confused between various i…
Can AP Invoice Coding Workflow be triggered when invoice distribution combination is populated?Summary We have a requirement to review distribution combination on invoices if they are appropriate. If they are incorrect then GL team would like to update itContent W…
Catchall rule for Payables Invoice ApprovalsSummary Catchall logicContent Hi, I am using below catchall logic in Payables Invoice Approvals and I am getting an error. Please recommend the best catchall logic which…
Invoice is getting Workflow Approved, Approval task is still pending for ApprovalSummary Issue in Invoice Approval ReassignmentContent Hi, We have added custom participants(6) inside invoice approval stage. Invoice is initiated for approval and it's …
Cash Management and Ad-Hoc PaymentsSummary Who is using cash management to originate transactions?Content Hi, I'm trying to determine how common it is to use cash management to originate bank transactions…
ISO 20022 Wire Payment Delivery ChannelSummary BofA will not accept a value in the Local Instrument Code tag (Delivery Channel), Oracle requires itContent When processing a Wire payment using the ISO20022 Com…
Supplier Bank Routing NumbersSummary Is it possible to seed this data?Content Supplier is trying to register via the supplier portal and add bank account information to register for ACH payments. Th…
Streamlined Payment ProcessingSummary Streamlined Payment ProcessingContent Hi All, Just wanted to understand a little more around one of the 18B opt in feature i.e. "Streamlined Payment Processing" …
Unable to find Payables Invoices - Line Distribution for OTBISummary Report for AP invoice line - Account distributionContent I am writing a report in OTBI and I cannot find the Invoice Lines Distribution.The subject area is : Pay…
TIFF Invoice View on Mobile DeviceSummary Only the first page of the invoice available for viewing on iPhoneContent We have an issue where only the first page of the invoice TIFF is viewable on iPhone wi…
What happens if we load Payment History/uncleared checks but not Invoices?Summary What happens if uncleared checks are loaded into system but not invoices?Content Hello, I'm wondering what happens if we convert uncleared payments from EBS to C…
Invoice with PO does not show PO lines on supplier portalSummary Invoice with PO does not show PO lines on supplier portalContent Hello, We have supplier portal used for creating invoices with POs. I am able to see the PO to b…
Supplier Bank Accounts FBDI ImportSummary Cant view Supplier Banks account data after loading the FBDI templatesContent Hi Experts, I'm trying to load some supplier bank account data through the FBDI, in…
Invoice not able to match o POSummary Invoice not able to match o POContent Hi Experts, We are facing an issue. When the user tries to match the PO to the Invoice the system gives an error - The cred…
Payables Approval Rules - BPM vs. Spreadsheet UploadSummary I'd like to know other user's thoughts on if they've used the invoice approval workflow spreadsheet to create Invoice Approval Rules vs. using BPMContent We curr…