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Tax & Global
Discussion List
Thailand Localization - Input VAT functionalitySummary: Thailand Fusion Cloud Tax Localization Can business utilize the undue Input VAT which will record undue Input VAT at invoice issuance and will reclass the trans…
Difference between event types given with application name at Manage Configuration owner tax optionsSummary: While defining the COTO (Configuration owner tax options setup for transaction tax) I can see multiple events. For example:- Application as Receivable has Credi…
Transaction Lines with two different tax rates are not splitting in the JPK output fileSummary: Transaction Lines with two different tax rates are not splitting in the JPK output file Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have t…
In Tax Reporting can we create a form or template for issuing certificate to vendor for Withhold TaxSummary: In TRCS-(Tax Reporting Cloud Services), can we create a form or template for issuing certificates to vendors for Withhold Tax paid and its respective details. F…
Does Tax reporting helps in Double Taxation calculation and Transfer pricing.Summary: Does Tax reporting helps in Double Taxation part and Transfer pricing.
HOW TO EXCLUDE AN INVOICE AT THE HEADER LEVEL FROM CALCULATING WITHHOLDINGS OR PERCEPTIONS?I need to exclude the calculation of perceptions and withholdings at the header level of the AR and AP invoice. This is possible?Liliana Goncalves 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle
Liquor Book - Argentine LocationIn the GUIDE_LACLS_ARGENTINA_REPORTS you will find the Liquor Book?, which has the following format:Liliana Goncalves 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle
Tax is not calculated when PO is created from PR and PR from projectsSummary: When we create PO from PR, tax is calculated as expected based on tax rules defined But when we create PR from Projects and then PO from PR, then tax is not cal…
How to cancel/Reverse Golden Tax InvoiceSummary: Cancel / Reverse Golden Tax Invoice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Cancel / Reverse Golden Tax Invoice Version (include the vers…
Transaction Input Factor - Date/Character AttributesSummary: Is there an ability to pass the following attributes via interface/api so that these can be used as a determining factor set? I found transaction Input Factor A…
TDS should calculate before validation, there any way to do thatTDS should calculate before validation, there any way to do that with oracle standards
Regime level country vs zone for EuropeSummary: If each European country is designated as a distinct Business Unit, and shares similar tax rates and codes, what approach is advisable? Should the regime be def…
Withholding TaxSummary: As per our setup Calculation Point is at Payment and WHT is being calculated at the point of payment. This is as designed. Query raised by business is We should…
Fusion Cloud Tax - WHT Certificate to Supplier through BankSummary: In Fusion Cloud Tax, while sending payment instruction to Bank is it feasible to send WHT Certificate details to Bank Wherein bank could process the payment and…
GST Rates of Accounts Payable are visible in Accounts receivable and viceversaSummary: GST Tax Rates configured for comman lookups can be seen in Accounts Receivabe but they actually belong to Accounts Payable. However the rates selected does not …
Tax Compliance Reporting: Deferred Tax Accounting for AP Invoices with a Tax Point Basis of PaymentsRomania and France both have purchasing scenarios where the tax point basis for purchase invoices is 'Payment' so you can only report purchase invoices once the invoice …
Product Category Fiscal ClassificationHi Some category of goods/services are taxed at 10%, some at 6% etc. Transactions are also coming from external systems - some of them are sending tax exclusive and some…
Golden tax outbound processSummary: Once generate the file, what are the steps to transmit the file to Aisino system ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inclu…
Basic duty with GST taxes setup, please share the setups stepsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…ranjith.ayyasamy 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle
Intercompany Stand alone credit memo e-invoicing processSummary: Intercompany Stand alone credit memo e-invoicing process Content (required): Users are creating intercompany standalone credit memos which is transferred to AR …
Fusion: Scenario based taxation requirement.Scenario: Good will be shipped from Thailand to Germany. But somehow those goods will be ported in Czech Republic. So here business is expecting tax to be calculated for…Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle
Financial Tax Register Not Picking Invoices of Suppliers that do not have a Tax Registration NumberSummary: Financial Tax Register Not Picking Invoices of Suppliers that do not have a Tax Registration Number
Call tax engine from third party for calculating tax on AR invoice, without creating invoiceSummary: We need to calculate tax on a transaction in Salesforce, without actually creating an AR transaction. SO, the order is created in Salesforce. It must have a tax…
Tax rule by tax classification code at the customer levelSummary: We want to check the tax classification code at the customer level, instead of the tax classification code at the transaction level Content (please ensure you m…
Hungary: How to enter VAT amount in HUF on foreign currency invoicesSummary: Customer business team in Hungary has a requirement to enter VAT amount in local currency (HUF) on foreign currency payable invoices. They are able to use Regio…
Can the supplier tax registration validation check be made optional for all countries at one go?Summary: Actually we are observing multiple validation checks for tax registration number country wise, we checked the "Manage country default controls" but this needs t…
If new tax rate code is created what will happen to old invoices with old tax rate codeSummary: We have a requirement to create a new tax rate code and end date the old tax rate code. User wants to know what would be its implication on invoices already wit…
Quarterly VAT reportingSummary: How can we get quarterly VAT reporting when the only choices for processing are for the months Content (required) We need to be able to get quarterly reporting …
EMEA Add-on LocalizationsSummary: At this moment we have specific localization for the Netherlands, NETHERLANDS COUNTRY SPECIFIC FEATURES As of Release 12.2. Generated on April 22, 2016, for Ora…