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Human Capital Management
Global HR, Workforce Modeling & Predictions, Localizations, Strategic Workforce Planning, Connections
Discussion List
How to modify home page layout to move News and Announcements section to a more visible spot?Summary: Is it possible to move the News and Announcements section to another area on the home page so that it is more visible? Currently, the News and Announcements sec…
Employment Info Action not showingSummary: I was able to add the Action to the Quick Actions on the My Team tab but I am unable to see the Change Assignment on the Managers Profile under Employment Info …
25A redwood style notifications for JourneyHello there's new feature come up in 25A Enhanced BIP Notifications with Redwood Style for Journeys where we will be seeing enhanced redwood style notifications for jour…
Position Sync with Employee AssignmentSummary: If we change the position from full-time to part-time today, how much time will it take to update this in the employee assignment, is there any process availabl…
Responsive UI: Add Filters to Document RecordSummary: Is it possible to add a filter for subcategories on the document record UI? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the …
Visa and Permits add option without edit optionSummary: we have privilege 'Manage Person Visa or Permit' in employee role MHR_PER_EMPLOYEE_ABSTRACT_RETAIL_LOGISTICS. we can add and edit the visa and permits page. But…
Demographic Info Section is Still loading in Family and Emergency ContactsSummary: Hi All, Demographic Info Section is Still loading in Family and Emergency Contacts Thanks, Ram Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ve…
Limit people research for employeesHi everyone, is there the possibility to deny the research for other people in search bar for the employee? We want that the employee shouldn't research other people in …
Server for the DORSummary: Hi Team, I have created one DOR having below details: Name - Acceptable Use Policy Country - Malaysia I am using this document under the Onboarding Journeys. I …
Impact of adding the ORA_PER_EMPLOYEE_ABSTRACT to Employee accessSummary: Hello, We had to add the ORA_PER_EMPLOYEE_ABSTRACT role to employees for them to be able to see the Demographic data fields in Personal Details. What impact doe…
How to identify whether a role assigned to an user has been delegated by another user?Summary: We have a role that is configured to be delegated. Once this role is assigned to a user, that user can further delegate the role. We need to determine if there …
How can we populate Longitude and Latitude in PER_ADDRESSES_F table?Summary: Hi, I am looking for a scheduled process which can populate Longitude and Latitude information in per_addresses_f table. We have a process to populate Long-Lat …
Add button is greyed out in Position Costing section of Position Page in Oracle FusionSummary: Add button is greyed out in Position Costing section of Position Page There is requirement to do the costing in position without payroll. Payroll module is not …
HCM Position Hierarchy page in Responsive UX and Redwood UXHi experts, in "Position Details" responsive and redwood pages the "HCM Position Hierarchy" task is available. The "HCM Position Hierarchy" page is still in Classic UI (…
How to find what PageFlowScope Variables are available on a pageSummary Is there any way to know which pageflow variable I can accessContent Is there a list of all variables which we can reference or Someway to check which pageflowsc…
How can I access in the process of creating a user the expense accounting account field is disabled.Summary: How can I access the expense accounting account field for users created as employees? In the process of creating a user (employee) the expense accounting accoun…
DOR - Error flexfields not appear in page document recordsHello team could help us We are having problems with document records flexfields we have a flexfields that returns the employee's category type information for some reas…
Termination date not correct when terminate future assignmentSummary: Termination date not correct when terminate future assignment Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We have an employee with 2 a…
We need to send a notification to employees when they get a document record associated to them.We have a requirement wherein we want to send a notification to the employee to view the document record after the document record is attached to the employee by an HR. …
Worker number required?Summary: We are considering using the worker number to store numbers for a legacy system (next to external identifiers), as you can't search based on an external identif…
Advanced search result doesn’t show up on an additional search- whats the best search way?Hello, When entering any , but for example "Personal Details" ADVANCED search ,for example an advanced search for a worker, we are facing issues searching for persons , …
Redwood: Auto populate business title in absence ESS pageSummary: Currently Redwood Absence ESS page displays the Business title LOV once the absence type is selected, Which employee has to select the business title manually. …
Approval on phone/e-mail typeSummary: We would need to have an approval rule on phone & e-mail that would automatically reject any changes made (or creation/deletion of) work phones/work emails (we …
Remove/Hide add button from Contact info Redwood page under Address sectionSummary: Hi, we have a requirement to hide the Add button from Contact info page under Address section. Path - Me —> Personal Information —> Contact Info Please let us k…
The employee should not be able to edit first name and last name only in RedwoodSummary: Hi team, We have a requirement to keep the first name and last name as read only for the employee log in. Moreover, the employee should be able to edit the midd…
Head count value not populated on assignment section in Redwood Create work relationshipSummary: On create Work Relationship page, we see the head count field in the assignment section but the value is not populated. Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
Performance :All in one Evaluations in RedwoodHi All, Can anyone suggest us Is it possible to make the all-in-one as default tab? so, once I login to this page, it opens direct on All-in-one?
only user initials icon colour was not changed after published the sandboxSummary: only user initials(XX) icon colour was not changed on home page after published the sandbox Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
Parent position field is showing blank in Request new positionSummary: Parent Position is not defaulting in the Request New position, and the LOV is also not showing. The person/requester has the active parent position. Content (pl…
Hide Personal email address in DirectorySummary Hide Personal email address in DirectoryContent Can we hide personal email address in Directory . Presently I am not getting an option to hide it under Customize…User_2025-02-01-05-31-10-698 173 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by Jose Antonio Gil del Prestamo