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Human Capital Management
Global HR, Workforce Modeling & Predictions, Localizations, Strategic Workforce Planning, Connections
Discussion List
working hours field shows as non-editable in redwood change location pageSummary: we are making same changes as RUI screen in redwood screen so while doing customization we see working hours field is editable in RUI but not in redwood so by V…
Public Info and Employee self-service Person spotlight in redwood UI ?Summary: Is it planned to have Person Info page in redwood UI soon ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When HR use "Person Spotlight Search"…
Should we actively disable Redwood Enabled by Default for Global Human Resources Pages if not using?Summary: Dear peers, I was going through the page "Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources 25A What's New" when I saw the following: This table shows the Redwood pages where…
Transaction Console -> Error Description and Error Resolution (hrc_txn_error)Summary: I have a requirement to get the data related to the transaction console when the transaction fails I need to get the error description and error resolution as d…
Legal Employer Seniority Date Field when entering a Global Transfer transactionSummary: Legal Employer Seniority Date Field when entering a Global Transfer transaction- When entering global transfers in HCM, the legal employer seniority date is ove…
Redwood Pages Limitation :- Initial Release Vs Latest ReleaseSummary: How to track current status of Redwood Page limitations (e.g. 23B vs 25A) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We are prep…
Redwood: Create Work Relationship is not working as expected - Rehire caseSummary: Hi - Redwood: Create Work Relationship is not working as expected - Rehire Case When creating work relationship, flow is not moving from National Identifiers se…
Add Division EFFs and Manager's phone number in Alerts messageSummary: Hi Everyone , We have a requirement to add Division EFFs and Manager's phone number in Alert message for a custom alert but we could not find an option to add. …
can HR person see the employment/compensation details under Connections like DirectorySummary: can HR person see the employment/compensation details under Connections like Directory after clicking show more link if the HR has the access to the employee re…
Unable to navigate to Pending Worker page in redwood pageSummary: Hi All, I am a non employee and unable to navigate to Pending Worker redwood page (person number is not attached to my profile as i am not an employee). This co…
Redwood: Unable to hide quick conversion for pending worker actionsSummary: Hi - We are unable to hide Quick Convert Option while converting Pending Worker. Even after removing priviliges, Quick Convert Action is available. Could you pl…
Can we remove or correct the date of a change to primary work relationshipSummary: the date on which we have changed the primary work relationship is incorrect (it was done on today's date accidentally instead of a date in the past) and we nee…
An unexpected error occurred on redwood position pageSummary: An unexpected error occurred on redwood position page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are getting an unexpected error occurred…
How should a Department tree Version be end dated in HCM?We are looking for best practice information on managing structure changes in our Department tree. We've decided to update the version when we make a change that affects…
Export all HCM approval rules and child rules into an excel sheetHello, Is there a way to export all HCM approval rules and child rules from BPM or Transaction Manager into an excel sheet. Thanks, Sara
New Hire functionality - Responsive UISummary: Oracle has completely discontinued the New Hire functionality from the Classic UI. My concern now is that they might do the same with the ‘New Person / New Pers…
Redwood Page for V2 Termination and ResignationSummary: We are currently on V2 version of the Termination and Resignation Pages as we only have one active work relationship for an employee at a time. Looking to move …
Is there a way to remove the attachment section on the approval pre conditions in BPMSummary: I have managed to remove the comments section from the approval pre-conditions that is displayed before updating the outcome and wondered if anyone knows of a w…
Salary Change mutually exclusive from other field changes in Promote workflowWe have a separate approval flow for the Promote and Change Salary workflow as below: Promote approval flow: HR Approver Rep > Division Head Rep > CHRO Approval Group Ch…
View Compensation History - Overall Salary RedwoodSummary: Responsive/Classic UX used to show Grade Name and Salary Range Midpoint fields. Is there any way to bring those in Redwood UX? Content (please ensure you mask a…Simona Dinculescu - Garrett Motion 9 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Simona Dinculescu - Garrett Motion
As per the Oracle documentation, we need to enable Redwood pages by 25C.As per the Oracle documentation, we need to enable Redwood pages by 25C. Will the responsive pages still be available after 25C?
DISTINCT values in table based value set with multiple tables in FROM clauseSummary: I am trying to create a value set which has multiple tables in FROM clause and SELECT clause has just one column. Need DISTINCT values and for that I tried usin…
Redwood personal details page gets error Exception during RestActionSummary: while i login with custom employee role and custom line manager role i see an error for this personal details page can i know what privilege's are required for …
Approvals failing on the same date as hireHello, We have a lot of approval transactions failing if the transaction is submitted on the same date as hire. I havent come across any such issue in the past. Has anyo…
Bulk Delete Employee Assignment RecordsHi everyone, I need to perform a bulk deletion of employee assignment records in Oracle HCM Cloud. Is there a standard way to achieve this? Some additional details: I wa…
Default sort by to A-Z in redwoodDefault sort by to 'A-Z' in redwood instead of sort by 'Relevance' We need to default sort by from Relevance to A-Z in pages like Employment, Personal Details, etc…
Use of Custom Ethnicity Values instead of delivered Ethnicity Values in USSummary: If using the delivered eeo-1 report, are there any workarounds to provide a custom list of ethnicity values? Content (required): If using the delivered eeo-1 re…
Unable to Cancel Work RelationshipSummary: Hello, we found that a non-Worker record with assignment number xxxxMR_912 got terminated on 31-Dec-2024. New non worker work relationship with assignment numbe…
Visibility of document attachments by roleSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello everyone, We are configuring visibility and actions based on whether or not you belong to a…
fields which are present on add contact page while convert pending worker is not available in VBSSummary: In Convert Pending worker quick action, while customize Family and emergency contact section; when create a new emergency contact all fields which is present in…