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Taleo Learn
Discussion List
Is it possible to have a corrupt user?Summary User doesn't exist but can't create it because system says it does existContent We have a number of sub-learncentres. None of them have a particular user registe…
SCORM course completion statusSummary Few of my employees have completed to SCORM course but still it is in incomplete statusContent Team, Few of my colleagues have completed a SCORM course and as a …
REST API CommandsSummary How to limit export to only Active usersContent I have a Rest API request for anyone who is currently using this function. We turned it on because we are trying …
Um - all of a sudden - long standing stable SCOs are not triggering completionsSummary Any ideasContent We are getting random reports of Captivate SCOs all of a sudden failing to complete in Chrome. Any ideas?????? I just tried two randomly? And I …
Disable email notifications but to only few employeesSummary How to disable email notifications to few employees who are on long leaveContent Team, We have a learn plan assigned to all the employees in organization and few…
Learning Plan Due DatesContent Hello, Has anyone else noticed that due dates are being assigned to Groups when they are added to a Learning Plan? Previously, the due date for a Group would rea…
Switching from custom SSO to Product SSOSummary A question for those who have switched from a custom SSO to the Product SSO...Content Do we need to get support to disable our custom SSO before changing to the …
Learning Plan update for renewalSummary Changing out courses in a learning plan and it's effectsContent So I am sure this is on here somewhere but I didn't see it. We have a learning plan for drivers a…
To all of my friends on hereSummary I am transitioning away from Carestream and will no longer be on hereContent Good morning, I am transitioning away from Carestream and will no longer be on the f…
Oracle Taleo Learn Best Practice Coming UpSummary Ask the Experts Best Practice Hosted by eSkillzContent We invite you to join our Oracle Taleo Learn Best Practice on 11/21/2019 from 1-2 p.m. EST Join our panel …
Oracle Learn and Chrome release 78Summary Is Learn ready for the new Chrome release and redirected external URLs?Content We want to alert you to an important browser update which may impact your content.…
Anyone Else Down on CHM again?Summary Is anyone else unable to log in on pod CHM?Content It appears that once again we are unable to access our Learn production site while stage continues to work. Is…
Change the course window size after importingContent How can you change the course window size (default 800 x 600) once it has already been imported? The course properties doesn't show the width and height.
New Clarity on the Fuzzy Future of Learn...time to start planningSummary Oracle only plans minimal investment in Learn going forwardContent Thanks to everyone who attended the Southeastern Users Group Meeting. As always it was great t…
Training Offering ReportsSummary Is there away to report on the most recent attempt in a Training Offering?Content Hi, We have a Training Offering setup that is placed into a Learning Plan for r…
Recurring Learning Plan Due DatesSummary Recurring Learning Plan due dates are not calculating properly when users are mapped by group.Content We created several recurring learning plans. We put an init…
Learn Plan due dateSummary The learn planing due date is showing the past due dateContent Team, We have created a learn plan with due date 10/1 initially and changed it to the option "By D…
OpenSesame Integration into LearnCenterSummary Importing a Scorm OpenSesame course into our LearnCenterContent We have purchased licenses to a Scorm OpenSesame course. When I open the Integration, I see nothi…
BI ReportSummary BI Report to include course, offering and items mapped to offeringContent Hi Everyone, We have a learning plan that has a training offering mapped to the plan. T…
19D Release documentation, Oracle, we need to hear from youSummary no documentation showing for 19D in the documentation section of the siteContent In case this was getting lost in the other thread. Good news... we are now on re…
Tuition ReimbursementSummary Anyone use learn to help them manage and track Tuition ReimbursementContent Anyone use learn to help them manage and track Tuition Reimbursement? We are looking …
Can a (sub) LearnCentre be deleted or moved?Summary Can a (sub) LearnCentre be deleted or moved?Content I would like to either move a SubLearnCentre or delete it and recreate it elsewhere. How can I do it?
BI Report access to Learn User without Control PanelContent Hi All, Please advise is there any way to give specific BI Report access to Learn User acting as ‘Instructor’ . without Giving ‘Manage BI Reporting’ access throu…
19D release for Taleo Learn?Content Will there be a 19D or future release for Taleo Learn? Is so, when? If not, what does this mean for the product?
"Double Billing" on Courses (Taleo Learn)Summary User gets two records created when launching a courseContent Has anyone else had this happen? One course with two identical start times. And only one was marked …
Overwriting a couseSummary FeaturesContent Can anyone point me to documentation about what happens when you overwrite a course vs importing it as new? I'm mainly interested in reporting...…
HTML5Content Has anyone been able to figure out how to use HTML5 in the learn center? I know you need ot be able to declare when building a normal page but that code is kick…
Error loading Captivate HTML5 Courses into LearnContent Hi, I am new to loading Captivate 6 courses into Learn and recently FTP'd a couple of Captivate courses (SWF and HTML5 - to test both types) over to the server. …
Issues with Dynamic GroupsSummary Multi day delays in group assignment, learning plan mappingContent We have been seeing every few weeks our mapping times stretching out well past 24 hours, both …
Anyone Else on CHM down?Summary Learn appears to be down on CHM... getting a Gateway Time-OutContent Anyone else on Pod CHM down? We've started getting a Gateway Time-Out error after the system…