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Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Extending Redwood Pages with VB Studio for Cloud HCM
Discussion List
Visual Builder Studio: Why I can't see the changes maded?Hi Everyone, we are using the HCM Redwood Personalization Helper Tool to migrate the customizations made with page composer and HCM design studio to the Redwood Pages. W…
Undeployed changesSummary: How to undeploy changes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I wanted to confirm understanding of the 2 various ways of deploying chan…
Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Roadmap for BenefitsSummary: Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Roadmap for Benefits Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a road map from Oracle when we are…
position not populating under add a pending worker ruleSummary: doesn't populate in the work rule nor have the dropdowns Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…
Not able skip the Communication info and Address in Redwood.Summary: “We’ve enabled Redwood pages for adding pending workers. We’ve hidden sections that are unnecessary and made others required. However, when continuing to the co…
How to add text to a redwood pageWe are looking to add some additional text on the Add Absence page which is migrated to Redwood. Has anyone added any additional text to this redwood page, please share …
People to coverSummary: Both "Family and Emergency Contacts" and "People to Cover" allow employees to add people that they would like to put under company's cover. However, the process…
How to edit Redwoodpage in visual builder studioHi Team, I am currently working on modifying the 'create noncatalog request' page in Redwood using Visual Builder. However, I have encountered an issue where the noncata…
Hiding “All Account” Option in RedwoodSummary: We have a Customer requirement where sales representatives and their managers should only be able to see accounts within their assigned territories or accounts …
VBS-If we want same business rule to be applicable for multiple pages can we do that?Summary: We have a same set of business rule that are applicable across many pages like Change Location, Change Manager, Add Assignment etc. Is there a way to clone the …
Custom report failing with "ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old: Rollback Segment Number" errorSummary: One of the BIP custom reports is failing with error "ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old: Rollback Segment Number" and it is taking long time more than 3 hours to show…
Redwood Goal Center VBCS customization changes are wiped outSummary: Redwood Goal Center VBCS customization changes are wiped out Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We made 3 customizations (s…
Need change name of attachment section on Job formatting page ORCSummary: We have a requirement to change the name of the attachment section on the Job formatting page will that be possible? We need to add just the work JD and Busines…
How many projects need to be created to migrate redwood changes to different instance in VBSSummary: We need to migrate a few pages in Phase 1 and a few other pages in Phase 2 after some days. Should we create a separate project for each phase, or is one projec…
Relationship LOV from list of valuesSummary: Hi , In VBCS for create new contact(Family and emergency contact) , if we want to build a rule using Contact relationship Lookup(Spouse , mother ,father etc..) …
"Learning format" filter on "My learning" tabSummary: We'd like to see "Learning format" filter on "My learning" tab Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, our client asks to add …
Edit the effective start date field in Redwood in the request new position action.I want to make an edit to the 'request new position' page. In the 'when and why' section, I want the 'effective start date' field to be read-only and automatically popul…
Department LOV in Create Work Relationship is different than Change Assignment - can this be fixed?Summary: I notice in the latest 24C upgrade the department LOV in Create Work Relationship does not match how the LOV is displaying in the Change Assignment page. In Cre…
Create Work Relationship Blank Line Manager needs to be deleted firstSummary: When creating a new work relationship using the Redwood Create WR page I am noticing that when I get to the Managers step, there is a blank entry for Line Manag…
Hide add/edit buttonSummary: Will there be an ability to hide the add/edit button on Redwood pages based on certain criteria. Lots of posts around that but dont see a response. Content (ple…
Multiple Projects vbs some with HCM.git and some with test.gitGood morning, everyone, It seems in our organization everyone started creating a project and their workspace and what happens now we wanted to keep just one project and …
Condition Fields and Region by CountrySummary: I wanted to create a rule that would apply only to Employees of non Chinese companies. Is this the right way to create it? When I published it I saw no differen…
VBS refresh timeSummary: Hi All, Whenever we make changes in Visual Builder Studio it takes so much time for the changes to get reflected in the system. Is there any particular reason f…
Guided Journeys enabled in VBS and published but not showing on the page for Performance EvaluationSummary: Guided Journeys enabled in VBS and published but not showing on the page
How to create custom approval process and invoke using VBS extensionSummary: I have a requirement where we are creating some custom pages for some transactions using the VBS extension and the client wants to invoke a custom workflow base…
Fusion Refresh Upgrade Impact on Visual Builder Studio linked EnvironmentHello Team, We need to know if we have a fusion environment (Dev1) which is linked with visual builder studio and we are planning to refresh the environment (Dev1) then …
Business rules requirement with AND ConditionsSummary: We have some regulatory requirements whereby we have used the AND condition for Roles within the Personal Details page. There are other examples and this was no…
Add options in "Enrollments" filter in "My Learning" tabSummary: Add options in "Enrollments" filter in "My Learning" tab Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, we would know if it's possibl…
Impact of VB Studio Upgrade on Oracle Cloud HCM Redwood PagesSummary: Per the Document Oracle says A…
changes are being published to different podSummary: we have made some express mode changes in TEST pod and when we are publishing we are receiving an message sating after merge changes will be deployed to DEV2 po…