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Data Integration
Discussion List
Invalid credentials for supervisor password after ODI Web configurationSummary: Configured ODI Web Stack with ATP database and getting invalid credentials even after using the password configured during data repository configuration Content…
Getting provisioning message for ODI Web EditionSummary: I am getting Provisioning and below message every time I open data transformations screen to launch Web ODI screen The requested resource is currently unavailab…
Oracle Integration Cloud and ADPSummary: Hello everyone, Is it possible to build an OIC integration to ADP? Are there connectors in OIC for ADP? Thank you in advance for your help. Content (required): …
How to send Email using "Azure Communication Services"Summary: Customer is asking to utilize Azure Communication services to send Emails from OAS (via agents). Azure communication services uses only a connection string and …
Creating Part of file while sFTP file transfer is in progress.Summary Part files while file transfer is in process in paaS(MFT and DBCS)Content Hi All, Unlike we have a sFTP feature in HCM SaaS, where you can select an option to cr…Mohd Shahnawaz Mohd Merajuddin-Oracle 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bindu Dasharath-Oracle
Can OCI Data Integration connect with "Azure Data Lake GEN2"Summary: Hi All, Can anyone help to let me know if OCI Data Integration can connect with "Azure Data Lake Gen2" or in general terms "Azure Cloud DB GEN2"? Content (requi…
recommendation for the VM of the ODI on Market PlaceSummary: Dear All Do you have any recommendation for the VM of the ODI on Market Place, please ? OCPUs, RAM, Disk etc. Content (required): Recommendation for the VM of t…
Unable to start ODI instanceSummary: I'm not able start my ODI instance from terminal suddenly. earlier i used to start from here and access ODI studio. Content (required): Version (include the ver…
Is there any way to call multiple Load Plans from different servers and agents one after another?Summary: Is there any way to call multiple Load Plans from different servers and agents one after another? Content (required): We are having a requirement like to call m…
Is ODI Marketplace built on OCI Gen 2?Summary: Customer wants to keep track of the platform on which Oracle's services are built. As part of that initiative, Customer wants to know if the ODI Marketplace the…
In ODI variable expected output is date but o/p generating as timestampIn Definition Variable Data Type : Alphanumeric Query : Select sysdate from dual ; O/P generating : 06-04-2023 12:00:00 Where as expected O/P : 06-Apr-2023 Tried setting…
ODI using SQL Unloader generate CSV FileSummary: ADW as a source system We are using ODISQLUNLOAD to generate comma separated CSV files . We are using union to cominbe the table columns and header Now as a res…
Using ODI and ADW as source can we generate Parquet file as outputSummary: Using ODI and ADW as source can we generate Parquet file as output ,if yes any support document on same.
Pass JSON as a startup parameter to ODI scenarioSummary: Hi team, We have a requirement to generate a JSON request in ODI, pass it to an API and log the same request details in a database table. We created an ODI proc…
DB link feature works between On-Prem Oracle DB to Oracle ADW?Summary: We need to create a DB link between On-Prem database and Cloud (ADW) database, is there any specific steps we need to taken care before doing this? Or Could you…
Is on-prem ODI needs to be upgraded to latest version before migrating to Cloud?Summary: Hi Team, Customer is planning to migrate entire DWH to Oracle cloud. Currently we are using ODI & Oracle 19c DB in an on-prem environment. I need to un…
Getting error while connecting to Rest Service in ODI using OdiInvokeRESTfulServiceSummary: When testing Rest Service connection, getting following error- PKIX path building failed: .Facing thi…
ODI is picking old version of python instead of latest version of PythonMultiple version of Python is installed and ODI market place is picking old version of python instead or latest version while calling in ODI command tool. How to resolve…
Individual mapping is running fine but while running same in load plan getting failedSummary: Individual mapping is running fine but while running same in load plan getting failed with error message : Table or View doesn't exist Solution to resolve to sa…
Populate "Last Extract Date" parameter in OCI Data Integration pipelineSummary: Unable to pass a value to the parameter type "Last Extract Date" in an OCI Data Integration pipeline. Content: Hi Experts, I'm new with OCI Data Integration and…
ODI source connection supportSummary: We are trying to check if ODI supports connectivity to the oracle sources listed below - 1.CPQ 2.Oracle Field Service(OFS) 3.Global Trade Management. Looking fo…
Issue with "BICC to ADW Copy" LKMSummary: Hello, While running mappings with "BICC to ADW Copy" LKM, data loads are failing with ORA-20006: Unsupported object store URI error message. We are using We ar…
Does ODI-Marketplace (free version) allow for SFTP of file from on-premise to Object/Block storageSummary: We plan to have IPSec VPN connectivity between OCI and Customer Data Center Customer plans to have some files placed on-premise in a windows directory We would …
question: are there tools in oci data integration for create zip file from files eg: in bucket?Summary: Content (required): are there tools in oci data integration for create zip file from files eg: in bucket? have a capability to create zip files present on Oracl…
ODI mapping failing with the error message - “Read timed out”ODI mapping is failing with the error message - "Read time out" Error Message : Read timed out at…
Error Connecting to BICC url using ODISummary: Error Connecting to BICC url using ODI Content (required): Hi All , While connecting to BICC through ODI topology, we are facing error as below. Agent is j2ee a…
Unable to test connection to Azure SQL Server data asset in OCI Data IntegrationSummary: Created a data asset to connect to a sql server database in MS Azure. While testing the connection getting an error related to client IP not allowed to connect …
Can we use ODI to retrieve and parse an Excel spreadsheet hosted on SharePoint?Summary: Hi Team, The requirement is to retrieve and parse an Excel spreadsheet hosted on SharePoint via ODI 12c. Content (required): Is there any OOTB KM we can use to …
OCI Data Integration - Filter using row_number() over in Data FlowI'm hoping this is something obvious that I'm overlooking. What I'm trying to achieve is filtering a data source (ADW table) by partition and only keeping the top row fo…
PLS-00172: string literal too long while loading BICC PVO data using ODI MarketplaceSummary: We are trying to load data from Fusion BIACM JournalEntryLinePVO into ADW using ODI-Marketplace. This Job fails with below error. ERROR ----------- ODI-1590: Th…