Discussion List
All rest calls are failing with UnAuthorized exceptionSummary All rest calls are failing with UnAuthorized exceptionContent We just started on oracle DbaaS service and using UI, we are able to provision DbaaS service and ev…
Import data by oracle sql develperSummary Error importing 1.000.000 of rows (csv type)Content I am currently testing Oracle exadata express and i am currently working with Oracle sql developer app. After…
How can I do a disk backup and then transfer the FRA to cloud service in standard edition 12c?Summary How can I do a disk backup and then transfer the FRA to cloud service in standard edition 12c?Content Hello everyone, I have a Standard Edition database…
Partner Webcast – Enforcing in-depth Data protection & privacy with Database Security essentialsSummary Database Security - DBCS Security EssentialsContent…
Undocumented force parameter on rest APISummary The delete instance rest service does not document the force query parameterContent I created an OIC instance using a custom cloud stack template (the only modif…
Subnet / Private IP not released after terminating a DBSystemSummary DBSystem created in a subnet with 2 private IP addresses. After terminating the DBSystem 2 times, we can't launch a DBSystem again.Content Hi, our configuration …
Database Standard EditionSummary Just LF more informationContent My company is in the process of purchasing a new database cloud license. The question I have is if I want to create an apex appli…
Exadata X7's available in CloudContent Saw X7 's are now available in the cloud. Do the autonomous services use these the yet unannoiunced x8's or do they use the x6's ?
Oracle OEM 12cSummary Oracle OEM 12cContent Hi Team, I am little bit confuse.. my requirement is i have oem 12c installed on 64 bit version. so can i add a 32 bit running database for…
Cloud's Compute instances (virtual machines)Summary Cloud's Compute instances (virtual machines)Content Hello, Anyone ever tried to create "instances" (virtual machines) in Oracle Compute Cloud Service ? I created…
installation of MySQL with compute instancesSummary installation of MySQL with compute instancesContent I have created a compute instance and I am accessing this through Putty console. As I try to install MySQL in…
Oracle 12c database exampleSummary Oracle 12c database exampleContent Hi Guys, we are in the process of installing OC 5.1, Oracle 12c release 1 database( As per installation gui…
could not ssh connect to database instanceSummary could not ssh connect to database instanceContent Hello. I created two non-database instances and one db instance in the Oracle Cloud. I used the same public key…
timed out error while calling restful web service through APEX_WEB_SERVICE APISummary timed out error while calling restful web service through APEX_WEB_SERVICE APIContent I'm using an Apex web service reference to access a third party restful web…
how integrate databases on different cloud soluationsSummary how integrate databases on different cloud soluationsContent hi , my question is can i integrate oracle database that is on oracle cloud with oracle database on …
Unable to delete oracle cloud storage container showing 1559 objects and 6 Gb sizeSummary Unable to delete oracle cloud storage container showing 1559 objects and 6 Gb sizeContent Hi, I have created one Oracle cloud storage container for oracle databa…
DBCS Standby in IaaSSummary DBCS Standby in IaaSContent Hi All As you might be aware, we have an option to choose "standby" option during DBCS instance provisioning This would automate the …
Cannot Use osbws_linux64 For OSBWSSummary Cannot Use osbws_linux64 For OSBWSContent Hi, I want use the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud module to back up an Oracle database to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (…
Licensing Oracle Database in Authorised Cloud EnvironmentsSummary Licensing Oracle Database in Authorised Cloud EnvironmentsContent I want to deploy an Oracle Database in an Azure IAAS Authorised Cloud Environment. The virtuali…
Auto reinstate fails, after the failover Via observerSummary Auto reinstate fails, after the failover Via observerContent We have 3 database on Primary server and 3 standby database configured accordingly. It is physical s…
How to setup MySQL Connection in Oracle Integration CloudSummary How to setup MySQL Connection in Oracle Integration CloudContent I tried to create a connection Oracle Integration Cloud pointing to MySQL DB. My MySQL DB has en…
Oracle Java Cloud Service-SaaS ExtensionSummary Oracle Java Cloud Service-SaaS ExtensionContent After getting the trial subscription for Oracle Java Cloud Service- SaaS Extension I received two services Java C…
Integrating with Fusion ApplicationSummary Integrating with Fusion ApplicationContent How to fetch the data into the application deployed on the SaaS Extension from fusion? Please suggest the steps to ach…
Consolidate EBS volumesSummary Consolidate EBS volumesContent Hi, We are planning to consolidate EBS volumes into single volume. is there any issue with performance or I/o will occur in future…
Steps required to access the Webservice from DBCS APEXSummary Steps required to access the Webservice from DBCS APEXContent Hi, I'm trying to build an APEX application on DBCS and in this application, I'm trying to call Ora…
Transparent Data Encryption Architecture: Quickly and EasilySummary TDEContent We have covered in the past a lot of information on database security via posts and partner webcasts such as Partner Webcast - Oracle Database Securit…
FTP setup in Cloud Exadata machineSummary FTP setup in Cloud Exadata machineContent Hi, We are using on-premises Exadata environment. One of our Tibco team is using FTP to copy files from other environme…
Connection error while connecting mysql with schneider citectSummary Connection error while connecting mysql with schneider citectContent Hello Everyone, I am trying to connect citect with mysql. the odbc driver is used while conn…
Pluggable cloud db datapump (expdp/impdp)Summary Pluggable cloud db datapump (expdp/impdp)Content Hello guys, I'm running oracle 12c database in the oracle dbaas cloud service. My db instance has multiple pdb's…
What type of health check should we do when be restart database?Summary What type of health check should we do when be restart database?Content Hi We are OMCS hosted client and the bounce of Oracle EBS database is done by the on-dema…