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Discussion List
Need help in uploading a csv or a excel file in a custom adf page with click of button 'upload'Summary Need help in uploading a csv or a excel file in a custom adf page with click of button 'upload'Content Hi, We have a requirement wherein we need to upload 4-5 ex…
Error on creating JCS instanceSummary Timeout error on creating JCS instanceContent Hi, I have subscribed for the Oracle Cloud service trial for a month to check my applications performance in cloud …
ADF - Lock the record which is being edited by another userSummary ADF - Lock the record which is being edited by another userContent Hi, we have a requirement where we want to lock a record of a table which is being edited by a…
JCS-SaaS Extension / APEX DB Connectivity from Java using JNDISummary JCS-SaaS Extension / APEX DB Connectivity from Java using JNDIContent Hello, I am trying to connect to JCS-SaaS extension/APEX DB from a Java program using JNDI.…
Sign up for Usability Testing at OpenWorldSummary Request for usability test participants at OpenWorldContent If you are attending Oracle #OpenWorld this October, please consider participating in a usability tes…
Issues with App Customisation Using JCSSummary Issues with App Customisation Using JCSContent We are facing some issues while trying to develop customizations on Oracle Cloud Please find below the issues enco…
JCS instance creation error "Create Service is disabled"Summary JCS instance creation error "Create Service is disabled"Content I could create JCS instances until yesterday, but today I deleted all of my storage, DBCS, JCS in…
Can we create new datasource connection in JCS-SX weblogic instanceSummary Can we create new datasource connection in JCS-SX weblogic instanceContent Hi Experts, As far as I knew, when we get any JCS-SX instance then by default predefin…
Precheck failed for patch Patch Set Update Precheck failed for patch Patch Set Update Hello, one our key customers is running into the following issue: Customer tried to apply JCS p…
how to upgrade adf libraries to for JCSSummary how to upgrade adf libraries to for JCSContent I have upgrade JCS using below documentation.…
working with links on single page in ADFContent Hi All, I have a requirement to develop a page in ADF which contains links on the left side and its corresponding content on the right side,i.e. links in the sta…User_2025-02-04-21-34-46-037 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-21-17-36-875
JDeveloper Version and JCS-SX CompatibilityContent Hi Team, Can you please guide how to find which version of JDeveloper is compatible with JCS-SX version ? How do we check the JCS-SX version ? Reg Sridhar
Cofiguring SSO between OTM Cloud/ERP Cloud and PaaS using IDCSSummary We have a custom PaaS application developed in ADF and deployed on JCS. This application link is configured within OTM & ERP Cloud. The PaaS application opens wi…
ADF EAR Deployment getting failed JCS-SX (Through Jdev ADF deployment Getting Successful)Summary ADF EAR Deployment getting failed JCS-SX (Through Jdev ADF deployment Getting Successful)Content Hi Team, I'm facing deployment issue while uploading EAR file in…
ADF Application Hello Page Deployment Failed in JCS-SXSummary ADF Application Hello Page Deployment Failed in JCS-SXContent Hi All, I have created a sample application in Jdev 12.1.3 , and tried deploying JCS instance. But …User_2025-01-31-01-04-33-378 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-01-04-33-378
Metadata not found errorSummary I am getting metadata not found error while deploying the application on jcs-sx instance. The same application working fine in local jdeveloper. I am using jdeve…
HEADS UP about JCS-SX Service Does Not Support TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 ProtocolsSummary Due to security reasons and in order to keep your service secure, Oracle Cloud is no longer supporting the use of TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 protocols in JCS-SX service…
Please take this 10 minute survey about drag and dropSummary Please take this 10 minute survey about drag and dropContent The VBCS UX design team has some questions about how you want drag and drop to work. Please take the…
JCS FTP/SFTPSummary Enable FTP/SFTP on Oracle Java cloud serviceContent Hello, We are using oracle java cloud service, and we have one requirment that some other system should push …
New Advisor webcast: Oracle Java Cloud ServiceSummary Hi Friend, I am planning a new Advisor Webcast session on Java CLoud Service. Can you please help Identifying me a topic that you need most.
Mapping DNS name with JCS Weblogic server public IP address(We don't have OTD)Summary Mapping DNS name with JCS Weblogic server public IP address(We don't have OTD)Content Hi Experts, We are deploying our PaaS extension in the JCS Weblogic server.…
Creating HCM Extensions with JCSSummaryCan we use JCS instead of JCS-SX to create extensions for Oracle HCM Cloud? ContentWe are in the process of evaluating options for creating extensions to the HCM …
ADF APPMODULE EXPOSED WSDL NOT WORKING IN JCS_SXSummary custom method for db insert in adf app module exposed as wsdl is not workingContent Hi, I have followed the below url for exposing app module custom method as ws…
Unable to send email via Java Mail in JCS-SXSummary Unable to send emails via JCS-SXContent I followed all the instructions here:…
JCS-SX: trying to understand the serviceSummary I'm looking for the advantages of using JCS-SX over std JCSContent Hi community, I just started to research JCS-SX. I'm trying to figure out which advantages JCS…
Basic ADF Application Deployment fails on JCS-SXSummary Can any expert look at the deployment error and suggest.Content Hi All, I developed a basic ADF application with a Model and a simple JSF page as a view to displ…
Using JCS-SX for developing custom UI for cloud order management release 13Summary Using JCS-SX for developing custom UI for cloud order management release 13Content Hi All, our customer require to develop some additional screens to work alongs…
How to find out JCS-SX is in the same identity domain where our SaaS isSummary How to find out JCS-SX is in the same identity domain where our SaaS isContent I have a JCS-SX instance running, I read in the documentation that this JCS-SX ins…
Using Command Line Interface to setup a WSS trust link between JCS-SX and TaleoSummary Using Command Line Interface to setup a WSS trust link between JCS-SX and TaleoContent Hi, I have downloaded the Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension SDK. …
Virtual Naming for JCS ApplicationSummary Virtual Naming for JCS ApplicationContent Hi, We have created JCS instance in private subnet and now we want to expose this application in public network. How ca…