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Visual Builder
Discussion List
Error while retrieving list of groups in VBCSSummary:- When we edit or add new security roles below error occurs:- Navigation - Application -> Settings -> User Roles Error - [ERROR] Error while retrieving list of g…
How to Upload a Custom Excel sheet to Page and Download the Same Uploaded Excel SheetSummary: How to Upload a Custom Excel sheet to Page and also Download the Same Uploaded Excel Sheet Can any body Please share an example for this Content (please ensure …
Can we Concatenate the UserName with the File in Resources FolderSummary: We need to download the File Placed Resouces path concatenated with $application.variables.UserName The File Test.csv in resouces\csv\ Test.csv should get downl…
Value Disappears after being selected in VBCSI created LOV using select single option and insert a list view inside it to fetch more rows but when i try to select a value nothing happens cannot see any value select…
Rotation is not working in web app PWASummary: Hello experts, I have a web application (PWA) and I am trying configuration to application can use in portrait or landscape mode from a mobile device. Content (…
Filter by same dateSummary: Hi all Good Day to you. i have an issue when i filter from the same date for example: *DateFrom = 1/12/2023 *DateTo = 1/12/2023 the date above then will be filt…
How to Create business rule or Field trigger on Business objectSummary: Need help to create field trigger there is 1 column in table which is primary key invoice_id and its varchar type when user doing update trigger will validate i…
Application Profile not Functioning in BuildsSummary: Hi experts, I've created Application Profile in VBCS, and it is not functioning when specified in builds job Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
unable to see anonymous access to app option now in vbcsSummary: Hi Experts I want to allow anonymous access to my web app but option is no more available now. please help @Sherif Bashar @Nada Bashar Content (please ensure yo…
Getting 403 forbidden error while calling Fusion Rest api, How to solve this issue?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
import vs requirejsSummary: Would like to understand difference , usage of Import section(App,Flow,Page) and requirejs path in Json of (App) in VB Thanks
How to Assign Role to an App Extension pageSummary: Hi experts, I've been trying to assign role to a page in an Application Extension for access control. I've assigned the role in Fusion to a user but keeps on ge…
How can i change the font of notification ?Summary: Hi Team How can change the font of fire notification and also the layout and icon for error and info ? Please help @Sherif Bashar @Nada Bashar @Mohammed Galal @…
Visual Builder (VBCS) - Create a Custom AuthenticationHello everyone. I'm pretty new in the "Oracle World" and I have to create a new authentication system that don,t use IDCS to create and login users. Is there someone her…
How to add an event listener for change on a checkbox within oj-checkboxsetSummary: How do we add an event listener (probably a "change" event) so that when one checkbox in a checkbox set is selected, another is automatically selected within th…
Resolving issues in auto-generated Javascript files found by SonarqubeSummary: Can these issues found by Sonarqube in Javascript code auto-generated by Visual Builder be resolved without consequences for Visual Builder / our webapp? Conten…
Is it possible to create editable table using SDP?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to disable edit mode when user clicks outside the row in screen while in row edit modeSummary: Hi Experts Highlighted column in below screenshot from my editable table is a text area, to edit a row i'm clikcing on the edit button at the start of the row b…
In my editable table when user clicks outside table or scroll bar the edit mode is changedSummary: Hi Team In my editable table when user clicks outside table or scroll bar the edit mode is changed to navigation mode. I want the mode to be edit mode only if u…
Display custom message while data is being loaded in an oj-tableSummary: Hi, My oj-table is fetching a large amount of attachments from Fusion which takes a while to do. The requirement is to not block the user from doing other thing…
Using Business Objects in Application ExtensionSummary: Hi experts, I'm trying to create Business Objects (BO) in Application Extension(AE) in the same way it is created in Visual Application(VA). Content (please ens…
Data not loading while scrolling down in combo BoxSummary: Hi I am facing issue in Combo box one when user scrolling down the the data not loading automatically its SDP based. Also sometime combo box goes grey out and S…
How to abort request invoked using Rest.getHello All, Im using Rest.get as below to invoke service and need to implement abort action, help with syntax or working example for same. define(['vb/helpers/rest'], (Re…
Select Single in Edit Page does not Display ValueSummary Select Single in Edit Page does not Display ValueContent Hi All, I have a edit page which has two Select Single LOV(Dependent). When we navigate to the edit page…
Why a new div segment coming in same line as other, i want the div segment to come in next lineSummary: Hi Experts In below UI page i have added image within a panel but it is coming next to my table panel as shown. I want the panel with image to appear after the …
How to enter allign both image and paragraph in screenSummary: Hi Experts I want to center allign both image and the paragraph in below screenshot, how can i achieve this please help
is it possible to npm install in visual builder?Summary: Hello, I want to connect to oracle database with node js "oracledb" dependency. is it possible to achieve this in VBCS. Please guide me with the steps to achiev…
is it possible to use ORDS apis in exadata database running in OCI ?Summary: Hi Experts is it possible to use ORDS apis in Exadata database running in OCI in our visual builder application ? @Sherif Bashar @Nada Bashar Content (please en…
Adding CSS to only certain cells in an oj-table.Summary: Hi, I have an oj-table which is populated by an ADP. One of the columns' values of this table are to be edited by the user. I want to give some kind of visual h…
Is there a way to use git bash to interact with repos in visual builder studioSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Is it possible to interact with repos in visual builder studio through git bash. Like…