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Inventory Management
Discussion List
Make Bill of Lading an available field while performing putawaysSummary: Business Case: Our business cuts many PO's and the shipments have the "Standard" receipt routing. (Receipt and Delivery). There is time gap between the two step…
collection program for wip_comp_demands is completed in warningError_rec in the log file says "You must provide a valid value for the WIP Supply record attribute". I am attaching the log file for reference.
Avoid picking rule with preapprovedSummary: Requirement is to create pick slip movement request from work order with incomplete status not with preapproved status. Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
Is it possible for the batch number to be generated automatically considering the year, months and aSummary: The client belongs to the pharmaceutical company and it is necessary that the batch number be generated from 10 characters that are made up of the 2 digits of t…
Transfer price in Transfer Order is 0Summary: Transfer price in Transfer Order is 0 Content (required): Hello Experts, I am manually creating a TO from BU 1 to BU 2. But the TO transfer Price is showing as …
REST API shows Forbidden error while trying to Update BPA lines (VBCS)a) REST API shows Forbidden error while trying to Update BPA lines b) Able to download the details using Supplier and Agreement but not able to upload. C) If there is an…
Multiple staging sub inventory for a single inventory Organization at the point of pick confirmSummary: We have a requirement where the customer is looking for Multiple staging sub inventory within a single inventory Organization. Business process is once the pick…
Is there a way to manage customer inventory that has already been invoicedwith some customers we invoice a large amount of goods at the start of the month and during the month we do the deliveries. Currently when we invoice them the entire inv…
specific Unit of measure to be used for different SubledgerSummary: Below UOM should be default for all pages of Oracle Cloud under a subledger. Weight - Kg (rather than LB) Volume - cubic meter (rather than OZ) Content (please …
Support for SSCC code in Oracle Fusion SCMSummary: Client is currently using an xls solution to track inbound pallets via SSCC code and repackage and send back with other packing unit tha thas its own SSCC code.…
How to default SQL value at segment level for shipment line DFFHI All, I am trying to default the value at the segment level for WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS DFF at the shipment line level. Example: In EBS we have SQL as below we are trying…
Inventory Organization copy not copying DataSecuritySummary: When copying an Inventory Organization to a new Inventory Organization - the DataSecurity is not being copied. The Subinventories/Locators and Plant Parameters …
How to create a pick wave release rule based on the destination locationSummary: Option to create pick wave release rule based on destination location. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement to c…
How to automate sub inventory transfer once the Production completionSummary: Dear All, We have a requirement to perform the Sub inventory transfer once the production is completed. Ex: once the prod completed stock gets added to the Main…
Project context fields not available in the Excel upload(VBCS Add-in) option for Misc transactionsWe have used the Inventory transaction Rest API in which the Project context fields are not populated in excel table layout
ASN Update Business EventSummary ASN Update Business EventContent Hi, Is there a business event which gets fired when ASN is updated? From documentation, I noticed that business events are fired…
EMEA, LATAM and INDIA Localization features within SCM areas if any applicableSummary: For global roll out implementation project for High Tech industry who are into Software and Hardware technology solutions we are looking in for Fusion SCM produ…
Sales Order Keep on Stuck on Awaiting Billing even invoice been createdSummary: Hi Team, We are facing issue , most of the order invoiced been created but still order stuck in Awaiting Billing status. Even we checked Invoice ESS all are suc…
Why RTV transaction done for the receipt against the ASN is setting the ASN Line status to Expected?Summary: RTV transaction done for the receipt against the ASN is setting the ASN Line status to Expected. This is creating incorrect supply quantities when new ASN is cr…
Pickup and Drop off date details are not populated in WSH_NEW_DELIVERIESSummary: Hi Everyone - We have a Business case to populate the Earliest pickup, Latest pickup, Earliest dropoff and Latest dropoff date details in WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES aga…
Internal Requisition Line with Information "This line was returned by the buyer."Summary: In internal requisitions, some of the lines have the Returned status and the message "This line was returned by the buyer.", despite there being no action from …
Receipt Deliveries task appear after 24B upgradeSummary: We have noticed that after 24B upgrade, receipt deliveries has been added under Receipts task. When you click this, it will direct you to redwood page and our c…
Shipment DFF do not show on Shipments without using SandBoxSummary: Hi, Looks like enabling the Shipment DFF for Inventory doesn't automatically show the enabled segment in Shipment Headers or Lines, we have to use SandBox for t…
Not able to Upload ON-hand using VBCSa. Not able to Upload ON-hand using VBCS. b. Use Current cost Flag Marked 'Yes' c. Other Fields in Inventory Staged Transaction filled
Ability to view On Hand Quantity in Transfer Order screenSummary: Ability to view On Hand Quantity in Transfer Order screen Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are us…
Impact of 'Enable inventory tracking by project' checkboxSummary: Hi Team, We are in UAT phase for one of the project. So we are going to go live with FIN and SCM modules and later on after some months we are going to go live …
Can Warehouses, DCs physically apart belongs to different 3PLs be modeled as Sub InventoryOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Meta Description (Required): We have …
Partial Pick and Send to Transportation ManagementSummary: At this time we are having the scenario where the sales order has a line quantity of 10 which was planned from OTM and then sent back to the shipment line. Whil…
Unable to perform Returns against to Transfer OrderSummary: Hello All, While performing the Material Return against to a Transfer Order, I am getting the 'the receiving transaction couldn't be processed for 1 receiving t…
Negative qty consignment stockSummary: Hi, I am getting a weird result when doing following scenario in consignment stock. Subinventory ABC having stock 0 for item A Subinventory XYZ having stock 20 …